From: colin AT bird DOT fu DOT is DOT saga-u DOT ac DOT jp (Colin Peters) Subject: RE: which libs to link 29 Oct 1997 22:53:28 -0800 Message-ID: <01BCE52D.0E0AA940.cygnus.gnu-win32@gbird0> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: "'Thomas Nichols'" Cc: "'GNU-Win32'" Thomas Nichols[SMTP:thomas DOT nichols AT mail DOT com] wrote: >Now down to 2 problems: >1. Missing identifiers - can anyone tell me values for these? >critical: >LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL >LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS >WC_DIALOG Apparently #define LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL (0x15) #define LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS (0x1A) #define WC_DIALOG (MAKEINTATOM(0x8002)) >less urgent (can use win16 code) >WNDCLASSA >WIN32_FIND_DATAA >OPENFILENAMEA For all these structures the current GNU Win32 API headers use a slightly different strategy of using TCHAR type declarations for characters and string members. To be strictly compatible change all those definitions to the approprate CHAR values (or LPCSTR and such) for WNDCLASSA etc, and WCHAR (LPCWSTR etc) for WNDCLASSW, then typedef WNDCLASS according to UNICODE (see Structures.h). typedef struct _WNDCLASSA { ... LPCSTR ... } WNDCLASSA, *LPWNDCLASSA; typedef struct _WNDCLASSW { ... LPCWSTR ... } WNDCLASSW, *LPWNDCLASSW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef WNDCLASSW WNDCLASS; #else typedef WNDCLASSA WNDCLASS; #endif typedef WNDCLASS *LPWNDCLASS; And so on... >gcc -o wtest32.exe test.o -L. -lzaf5 -luser32 -lkernel32 -lshell32 >-lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 > link.err > >which gives (from the start of lib.err) > >./libzaf5.a(w_window.o)(.text+0x495) undefined reference to >`CreateRectRgn AT 16' [snip] >./libzaf5.a(w_winobj.o)(.text+0x3097) undefined reference to >`SelectPalette AT 12' >..... etc ...... > >Which are the import libs I need to resolve these refs? Looks like gdi32 to me, at least for the ones you included. And, don't put -lkernel32 on your command line, it gets linked automatically and linking the same import lib twice causes errors (though sometimes subtle ones). You might want to consider using -mwindows instead (since your program is probably a GUI program anyway) >System: Win95b cygwin32 2.7.2 b18, no patches >(can't get mingw32 working yet) Really? Can you tell me what sort of problems you have (so I can try and fix them for the next release, or at least for you)? Colin. -- Colin Peters - Saga Univ. Dept. of Information Science -- colin AT bird DOT fu DOT is DOT saga-u DOT ac DOT jp - finger for PGP public key -- -- - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".