From: dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Subject: Re: .def files for stdcall functions 17 Sep 1997 17:30:09 -0700 Message-ID: <> To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Cc: dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Hi Jeff, you wrote: : From: MX%"jeffdbREMOVETHIS AT netzone DOT com" 17-SEP-1997 15:16:41.32 [My mailer doesn't allow to edit this address when replying] : ptr=4 : int=4 : char=4 (unless you do something weird with __attribute__((__aligned__)) ) : short = 4 " : long = 8 : long long = 16 (I think) : float = ? Where are these numbers from? Not from sizeof(), I suppose... IIRC, long=4, long long=8. Life would have been a lot easier, if MS had made NT 64bit-clean in the first place instead of inventing a lot of new 32bit-only APIs. Especially since NT runs on Alpha, and DECunix (formerly OSF/1) showed up a lot of buggy programs. I'd like to try Linux on Alpha 8-) BTW, MSVC doesn't understand "long long" (not sure if it is 4.0 or 4.2). Bye, Heribert (dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de) - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".