From: _kunglao AT prairienet DOT org (Gilligan) Subject: Problem with Sergey's telnetd on W95 22 Jul 1997 18:36:39 -0700 Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 [en] (Win95; I) Original-To: GNU Win 32 X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Ok, I've setup my inetd.conf, copied login.w95 to login, ran inetd -d. I can telnet in, but it crashes, perhaps looking for the login script. Here's inetd's output: registered /usr/local/libexec/in.telnetd on 14 someone wants telnet accept, ctrl 3 + Closing from 14 1060 execl /usr/local/libexec/in.telnetd 1060 reaped, status 0x100 On the telnet client side, I get: Trying Connected to bozo. Escape character is '^]'. CYGWIN32/95 4.0 (BOZO) (tty10) Connection closed by foreign host. Since the banner's there, in.telnetd is at least running. I have login in /usr/local/bin (also tried putting a copy in /bin). Any ideas? -- Due to the abundance of spamming, action has been taken. Please remove the underscore (_) from my address when replying to me. Spammers, please leave the underscore in. - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".