From: condict AT opengroup DOT org (Michael Condict) Subject: Re: Korn Shell 2 Jun 1997 01:44:48 -0700 Sender: mail AT cygnus DOT com Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: <> X-Authentication-Warning: Host [] didn't use HELO protocol Original-To: jman AT lx DOT net Original-cc: Christoph Kukulies , Chris Jeffares , gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com, condict AT opengroup DOT org In-reply-to: Your message of "Sat, 31 May 1997 15:01:41 CDT." <339083A5 DOT 3522 AT lx DOT net> Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com In message <339083A5 DOT 3522 AT lx DOT net>, you write: > Yes but I could never get it to work with Gnuwin32. Cat,make,gcc nothing > would work.... > > > Christoph Kukulies wrote: > > > > On Fri, May 30, 1997 at 07:12:00PM -0500, Chris Jeffares wrote: > > > > > > Is there a Korn shell for the b18 ?? > > > > > > If not is there a way to run a Korn Shell on an NT platform ?? > > > > UWIN ( (written by David Korn - no sources, btw) > > would give you ksh. This is not surprising (that the UWIN Korn shell wouldn't work with the Gnuwin32 programs). It's important to understand that both Gnuwin32 and UWIN are fairly complete operating-system emulations -- they are not just a collection of Win32 programs that can interoperate seamlessly with any other Win32 program. They use different and, I'm sure, incompatible methods to map UNIX semantics onto Windows semantics. For example, UWIN assumes that any UNIX pathname of the form /c/... is a reference to c:/... , whereas in Gnuwin32, you would have to do a mount command to explicitly declare this equivalence. Both of these toolkits suffer in interoperability from having the goal of complete UNIX source-level compatibility. I prefer the approach of the MKS UNIX Toolkit, which adapts gracefully to the fact that it is running under Windows. The Korn shell in the MKS Toolkit fully understands that "c:/..." is a reference to a drive letter, and will correctly do file name completion and globbing on such strings (unlike bash). It looks as if there are two different motivations for the existing UNIX emulations on the Windows platforms: - The MKS Toolkit seems to be oriented mainly towards enhancing the Windows command environment with the much greater power of the UNIX utilities (find/grep/ksh, etc), rather than pretending that Windows does not exist. - UWIN and Cygnus GnuWin32 seem to be more concerned with being able to compile and execute UNIX source code under Windows without changing it. As such, they have much stricter need to emulate the UNIX API faithfully, and need to avoid complete integration with Windows. I prefer the approach of the MKS Toolkit, since I'm only interested in enhancing the command-level environment of Windows. I believe that many tasks can be done more efficiently with textual commands than with a GUI interface, given the power of UNIX commands. Just my opinion, however. I understand the desire to port UNIX applications to Windows so that they might have a larger market. Michael Condict m DOT condict AT opengroup DOT org The Open Group Research Inst. (617) 621-7349 11 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".