From: colin AT bird DOT fu DOT is DOT saga-u DOT ac DOT jp (Colin Peters) Subject: RE: Mingw32 setup with b17.1 question 10 Feb 1997 01:42:40 -0800 Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: <01BC1773.32050940.cygnus.gnu-win32@gbird0> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Original-To: "'Jim Case'" Original-Cc: "'GNU-Win32'" Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Jim Case[SMTP:case AT texas DOT net] wrote: >I've been unable to get mingw32 to work with b17.1, and I suspect that >it's either my environment variables or directory structure. I'd >appreciate a dump of the environment and dirs from someone who has it >working and any other tips or pointers. Sorry I can't be more help right away, but, ironically enough, I think I should get down to doing up a mingw32 release 0.1.2 which will better fit with b17.1 (and have some other extra goodies). Here however, is a dump of my autoexec.bat environment variable settings relevant to my GNU-Win32 setup, plus a "ls -R" dump of my /cygnus directory, where most things live on my system. If were a bit more specific about what exactly doesn't work and what kind of error messages or other symptoms you have then I, or someone else, might be able to give you some better tips. I've moved things around, and deleted a lot of stuff from the original Cygnus release, but this setup works fine for me. If I had more time I'd try to tell you exactly how and why I did these things... but for now, sorry :(. I've cc'd the mailing list in the hopes that it might be of some help to others who are also having trouble with mingw32 or GNU-Win32, or who just want to see what an (almost) minimal installation of the GCC compiler on Win32 looks like. Hope this helps a little, Colin. Here's my directory structure under C:\cygnus. A few other tools like rcl, cvtres and such are off in my C:\bin directory, but they'll work fine as long as they're on the path. Cygwin.dll is in \windows\system. cygnus: H-i386-cygwin32/ include/ lib/ win32/ cygnus/include: gnu/ mingw32/ cygnus/include/gnu: [definitely not necessary, my own work] _G_config.h cygnus/include/mingw32: assert.h float.h math.h signal.h stdio.h sys/ wchar.h ctype.h limits.h nonansi/ stdarg.h stdlib.h tchar.h errno.h locale.h setjmp.h stddef.h string.h time.h cygnus/include/mingw32/nonansi: alloc.h direct.h malloc.h process.h unistd.h varargs.h conio.h fcntl.h mem.h share.h utime.h dir.h io.h memory.h sys/ values.h cygnus/include/mingw32/nonansi/sys: fcntl.h locking.h stat.h timeb.h unistd.h cygnus/include/mingw32/sys: types.h cygnus/lib: mingw32/ cygnus/lib/mingw32: [NOTE: dllcrt0.o is new work, not yet generally available] crt0.o libcrtdll.a libmoldname.a dllcrt0.o libmingw32.a specs cygnus/win32: Source/ headers/ lib/ cygnus/win32/Source: [NOTE: not necessary] advapi32.def imm32.def netapi32.def rpcdce4.def vdmdbg.def cap.def jamfile odbc32.def rpcns4.def version.def comctl32.def kernel32.def ole32.def rpcrt4.def vfw32.def comdlg32.def lz32.def oleaut32.def shell32.def win32spl.def ctl3d32.def mapi32.def oledlg.def svrapi.def winmm.def dh.s mfcuia32.def olepro32.def tapi32.def winspool.def dlcapi.def mgmtapi.def opengl32.def th32.def winstrm.def dt.s mpr.def penwin32.def thunk32.def wow32.def gdi32.def msacm32.def pkpd32.def url.def wsock32.def glu32.def nddeapi.def rasapi32.def user32.def wst.def cygnus/win32/headers: Windows32/ wincon.h windowsx.h winkernel.h wintypes.h winadvapi.h windef.h winerror.h winnt.h winuser.h winbase.h windows.h wingdi.h winsock.h winversion.h cygnus/win32/headers/Windows32: ASCIIFunctions.h Errors.h Sockets.h Base.h Functions.h Structures.h Defines.h Messages.h UnicodeFunctions.h cygnus/win32/lib: libadvapi32.a libmgmtapi.a libopengl32.a libsnmp.a libwin32spl.a libcomctl32.a libmpr.a libpenwin32.a libsvrapi.a libwinmm.a libcomdlg32.a libmsacm32.a libpkpd32.a libtapi32.a libwinserve.a libctl3d32.a libnddeapi.a librasapi32.a libth32.a libwinspool.a libgdi32.a libnetapi32.a librpcdce4.a libthunk32.a libwinstrm.a libglu32.a libodbc32.a librpcndr.a liburl.a libwow32.a libimm32.a libole32.a librpcns4.a libuser32.a libwsock32.a libkernel32.a liboleaut32.a librpcrt4.a libvdmdbg.a libwst.a liblz32.a liboledlg.a libscrnsave.a libversion.a libmapi32.a libolepro32.a libshell32.a libvfw32.a cygnus/H-i386-cygwin32: bin/ lib/ cygnus/H-i386-cygwin32/bin: ar.exe* dlltool.exe* ld.exe* patch.exe* as.exe* gcc.exe* nm.exe* rm.exe* diff.exe* gdb.exe* objdump.exe* strip.exe* cygnus/H-i386-cygwin32/lib: gcc-lib/ cygnus/H-i386-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib: i386-cygwin32/ cygnus/H-i386-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/i386-cygwin32: cygnus-2.7.2-961023/ cygnus/H-i386-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/i386-cygwin32/cygnus-2.7.2-961023: cc1.exe* cpp.exe* libgcc.a And now the relevant environment variable settings: PATH=%PATH%;C:\BIN;C:\BIN\TOOLS;C:\cygnus\H-i386-cygwin32\bin;C:\java\bin;c:\rdc\bin SET GCC_EXEC_PREFIX=C:\cygnus\H-i386-cygwin32\lib\gcc-lib\ SET LIBRARY_PATH=/cygnus/lib/mingw32:/cygnus/win32/lib SET C_INCLUDE_PATH=/cygnus/include/mingw32:/cygnus/include/mingw32/nonansi:/cygnus/win32/Headers SET CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=%C_INCLUDE_PATH% -- Colin Peters - colin AT bird DOT fu DOT is DOT saga-u DOT ac DOT jp -- Saga University Dept. of Information Science -- Fundamentals of Information Science -- - For help on using this list, send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".