From: Ron AT OrCAD DOT com (Ron Forrester) Subject: #! syntax 27 Jan 1997 16:06:20 -0800 Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Original-To: "'GNU-Win32'" X-Mailer: Microsoft Exchange Server Internet Mail Connector Version 4.0.993.5 Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Has anyone patched to enable the #! shell syntax to work correctly? If so, please post the patches. If not, I will see what I can do (after working on it a bit last night, I can build the cygwin.dll from the sources now). rjf - For help on using this list, send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".