From: jeffdb AT netzone DOT com (Mikey) Subject: RE: Bash, history file, and Tcl 19 Jan 1997 17:09:05 -0800 Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Original-To: "'Len Budney'" Original-Cc: "'gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com'" Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com One way to eliminate most (possibly all) CR/LF problems is to mount with the -b option, I don't know why this isn't the default. Unfortunatly, after you do this you will have to reinstall from = scratch, but once you do bash history works properly, (after deleting or = converting the .bash_history file) ncurses compiles out of the box = (dosen't quite work right because of some missing capabilities, but I'm = working on it), same with most GNU tools that have a configure script. Try it, after the initial pain, it's a BIG win. ---------- From: Len Budney[SMTP:budney AT daxus DOT com] Sent: Friday, January 17, 1997 2:28 PM To: dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com; dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Subject: Re: Bash, history file, and Tcl Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 21:03:08 EST From: dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com, dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Hi, you wrote: : Yes! I noticed the same problem in trying to get Tcl to compile = under : GNU-Win32; tcl would not read scripts named on the command line = because : it checks the "size" element of the "fstat" structure and compares = this : with the number of bytes read. What version? We use the win port from the Sun Tcl team and scripts without CRs = developed under unix via NFS (or Samba). Under NT, you just have to be careful = about your editor how it handles CRs, err, the lack of them! For example MS Write works, when forbidding conversion, but not = Notepad. And Tcl7.5 and greater support various translations on channels... Sorry, I didn't specify better. There is another thread on this mailing list about Tcl/Tk, and I didn't want to mush them together. Lots of folks are using windows ports of Tcl, but I want a native GNU version because my actual goal is to compile Expect. (For the interested, I have nearly succeeded, and even managed to automate some FTP sessions. Yet another thread?) Compiling Tcl 7.5 and higher against GNU-Win32 has been impossible so far (for me). The reason is, that 7.5 and above compile on NT out of the box, and I can't convince "configure" to give me a _UNIX_ build for love or money. Tcl 7.4 only comes in UNIX, and it compiles out of the box under = GNU-Win32. Sadly, the CRLF problem (and possibly others) have sharply restricted its usefulness so far. Does anyone else have better success to report? Len. --=20 -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-= =3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D= Len Budney Ph.D. | "The woods are lovely, dark and deep Daxus Corporation | But I have promises to keep (412)-577-4156 | And miles to go before I sleep..." budney AT daxus DOT com | -- Frost =3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D= -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D - For help on using this list, send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help". - For help on using this list, send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".