From: budney AT daxus DOT com (Len Budney) Subject: Re: Bash, history file, and Tcl 17 Jan 1997 21:34:47 -0800 Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: <> Original-To: dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Original-Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com, dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de In-Reply-To: <> (dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de) Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 21:03:08 EST From: dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com, dahms AT ifk20 DOT mach DOT uni-karlsruhe DOT de Hi, you wrote: : Yes! I noticed the same problem in trying to get Tcl to compile under : GNU-Win32; tcl would not read scripts named on the command line because : it checks the "size" element of the "fstat" structure and compares this : with the number of bytes read. What version? We use the win port from the Sun Tcl team and scripts without CRs developed under unix via NFS (or Samba). Under NT, you just have to be careful about your editor how it handles CRs, err, the lack of them! For example MS Write works, when forbidding conversion, but not Notepad. And Tcl7.5 and greater support various translations on channels... Sorry, I didn't specify better. There is another thread on this mailing list about Tcl/Tk, and I didn't want to mush them together. Lots of folks are using windows ports of Tcl, but I want a native GNU version because my actual goal is to compile Expect. (For the interested, I have nearly succeeded, and even managed to automate some FTP sessions. Yet another thread?) Compiling Tcl 7.5 and higher against GNU-Win32 has been impossible so far (for me). The reason is, that 7.5 and above compile on NT out of the box, and I can't convince "configure" to give me a _UNIX_ build for love or money. Tcl 7.4 only comes in UNIX, and it compiles out of the box under GNU-Win32. Sadly, the CRLF problem (and possibly others) have sharply restricted its usefulness so far. Does anyone else have better success to report? Len. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= Len Budney Ph.D. | "The woods are lovely, dark and deep Daxus Corporation | But I have promises to keep (412)-577-4156 | And miles to go before I sleep..." budney AT daxus DOT com | -- Frost =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - For help on using this list, send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".