From: msy AT scr DOT siemens DOT com ("Marcus S. Yoo") Subject: can someone explain the idea behind b17 tree structure? 12 Dec 1996 07:47:23 -0800 Sender: daemon AT cygnus DOT com Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: <> Original-To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com :David Ross said >Also, I've got a suggestion for the developers... Make the distribution >have a directory which can be mounted as / and looks just like a standard >UNIX filesystem. I'm finding that since I don't really know the standard I agree with David on this. The b14 release looked very clean. I just put everything under /usr directory, and things looked just like a unix file system (which is good, since cygnus package is emulating unix using gnu). But with b17 (and b16 as well), I just can't get a handle on those long names. What does "H-..." mean? Why is there "...i386-cygwin..." subdirectory under a directory named "...i386-cygwin..."? This makes navigating very difficult, especially since bash will not complete file names if you have a "../" in the file name. Also, what with the multiple "bin" and "lib" directories? (I can understand multiple "include" directories, but, multiple "bin/" and "lib/"? Why? While I'm at it, there seems to be some bug in cygwin.dll that prevents you from reading the contents of the root directory of any partition. There is also some problems in reading ".." directory (from bash). Well, having said all that, I still think that this cygnus project is great. It's head and shoulders above anything else out there (including virtual unix stuff, which is fairly good too). Thanks to noer (and who ever else contributed)... -- Marcus S. Yoo (myoo AT scr DOT siemens DOT com) | For God so loved the world, that he gave Siemens Corporate Research, Inc. | his only begotten Son, that whosoever 755 College Rd. E., 609-734-3313 | believeth in him should not perish, but Princeton, NJ 08540 fax: -6565 | have everlasting life. -- John 3:16 - For help on using this list, send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".