From: sandrof AT microsoft DOT com (Alessandro Forin) Subject: RE: ITIMER Implementation??? 4 Dec 1996 16:03:50 -0800 Sender: daemon AT cygnus DOT com Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Distribution: cygnus Message-ID: Original-To: "'Jeremy Allison'" Original-Cc: "'Colin Peters'" , "'GNU-Win32'" X-Mailer: Microsoft Exchange Server Internet Mail Connector Version 4.0.994.63 Encoding: 61 TEXT, 1356 UUENCODE, 887 UUENCODE X-MS-Attachment: ntdll.lst 0 00-00-1980 00:00 X-MS-Attachment: k32.lst 0 00-00-1980 00:00 Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com [After this one, could you pls let me go ? Tx] Stereotypes dont help you understand the world. In this case, this urban legend of "undocumented calls for " that you apply really has no substance whatsoever [that I know of]. The REAL NT interface is provided by KERNEL32.DLL, and by NTDLL.DLL. These are the lists of exported entry points from my machine (NT 4.0): If you find anything in there that is not documented (*) let me know and I'll have it fixed. Happy ? sandro- (*) documented == not described in the VC++ help files. Make sure you install ALL of the help files from the CD, esp that 80+ meg one. >---------- >From: Jeremy Allison[SMTP:jra AT cygnus DOT com] >Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 1996 11:54 AM >To: Alessandro Forin >Cc: 'Jeremy Allison'; 'Colin Peters'; 'GNU-Win32' >Subject: Re: ITIMER Implementation??? > >Alessandro, > > You make some very interesting points. The problem >though is that Cygwin32 is meant to compile existing UNIX >code. I know signals are a poor substitute for about 4 different >things, my goal is for people not to have to change their code. > >Using threads for ITIMERS would only work if the original >code wanted a timer facility that didn't interrupt I/O in >progress. Without knowing what the original request was >using ITIMERS for I have to code for the general case >which is interrupting I/O with a signal when the timer fires. > >If they have to re-write they might as well just move to the >Win32 api. The really interesting task would be to get a >description of the 'real' NT API, not the Win32 overlay, >I mean the one that executables flagged as 'NT Native' >use. I believe that there may be calls in there that >would enable a much better POSIX emulation (as this is >the API that the NT POSIX subsystem is based on). > >However I doubt that Microsoft would be willing to >document it for us (although I believe you have done so >for the 'OpenNT' company in San Francisco). I would love >for you to prove me wrong however :-). > >Cheers, > > Jeremy. > jra AT cygnus DOT com >- >For help on using this list, send a message to >"gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help". > begin 600 ntdll.lst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