Mail Archives: opendos/2004/07/15/09:53:27
On 2004-07-14 Michal Tyc wrote:
> I'm totally ignorant on DV/X, but I always thought that multitasking
> and networking environments are these that SHARE is mainly intended
> for...
True, true and it works fine with DV/X. But SHARE can get in
the way, which is what it's supposed to do. Leonard Erickson
and Arkady Belousov have given examples where it could be both
part of the solution and part of the problem.
> As I understand, the remote drive TSR runs on the "client" (local)
> machine?
The DV/X mapping only works with remote DV/X machines where a
corresponding TSR responds to mapping requests. The local TSR
is loaded and maps in a DV/X DOS Window, it possible to have
multiple DOS Windows with independent mappings. One can even
map drives on the localhost so your local C: would become
remote D: and behave as if it were on a remote machine. I
suppose it's more properly a daemon using a TCP socket:
rmtdrive 4405/tcp.
Otherwise file transfer between DV/X and non-DV/X machines
would typically use FTP. Any drive mapping would be done at
DOS level usually before DV/X is loaded, although one might
forgo global mapping and conserve memory by loading network
TSRs in DV/X DOS Window.
> Is there any difference when you replace DR-DOS with MS-DOS on the
> "server" (remote) machine?
I've not tried that and have become increasingly convinced
that his has nothing to do with the remote machine aside from
the local PNW mapping uses SHARE, which it expects to find on
a PNW server. I tried Leonard's suggestion of "locking" files
with R/O and even Write protect passwords and still 4DOS
refuses to copy them.
> Maybe the DV/X remote drive TSR uses some undocumented MS-DOS
> functions or data structures, which aren't implemented or aren't
> 100% compatible under DR-DOS?
It's _only_ 4DOS 7.01+ with DR-DOS that has the problem with
DV/X mapping. 4DOS also shoots itself in foot with MS or
DR-DOS and PNW when SHARE is not on the server.
Perhaps 4DOS is being too clever with MS-DOS built-in Windows
VSHARE support. I strongly suspect PNW may support VSHARE for
remote drives in it's mapping despite it not being available
to local drives. All the same it doesn't appear to be about
SHARE as 4DOS with DV/X mappping will work with MS-DOS and
SHARE not present, and won't with with DR-DOS + SHARE and it's
VSHARE support.
As I recall this copy precaution, like the /K switch, was an
unannounced enhancement and may be part of what appears to be
4DOS being standardized accross all version of Windows, not
-- Gary Welles
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