Mail Archives: opendos/2003/11/27/13:26:24

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From: shadow AT shadowgard DOT com
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 10:12:21 -0800
Subject: Re: several technical problems
Message-ID: <3FC5CE05.29701.97223@localhost>
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Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
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On 27 Nov 2003 at 22:05, DONALD PEDDER wrote:

> 1. I could never get taskmgr to work properly on this computer - that is,
> until I saw someone mention "taskmgr /s", which got it going (this was a
> new option since I'd used the previous version). However, I am still
> having a problem with it.
>    I can get several sessions started, but if I try to swap sessions while
> one of them has the editor loaded, I get "exception 6", and the session
> crashes. The reason I use several sessions to start with is so that I can
> edit/reference several files at a time, so needless to say this problem
> means I still can't use taskmgr for what I want it for.

I gave up on taskmgr a long time ago. Try finding a 
copy of QEMM/Desqview.
> 2. I am using bitcom as my dial-up software. It has an option to drop back
> down into DOS, but several things that I try to do (like using the editor)
> tell me "insufficient memory", even though I have 64Mb of memory (and I
> ran this software okay when I only had a 386).

Remember, as far as anything running in *any* DOS is 
concerned, you hsave no more than 640k of RAM (768 
if you play certain games).

So unless it knows how to swap to EMS/XMS, and you 
have enough set aside for that task, there *isn't* 
enough RAM.

> 3. I have a problem which is isolated to the root directory on one
> partition. I notice that Windows has touched it (despite my efforts to
> keep it clean). It has a "recycled" directory in there, and I'm unable to
> clear it out with deltree (deltree says no such file exists, but it's
> there if I do a "dir /s"). This may or may not be relevant.

The recycled directory has the "hidden" attribute 
set. This confuses a lot of DOS programs.

>    Anyhow, when I want to use the editor in this directory I get "internal
> error 82". I also get it if a do a "type filename|more", however it works
> with just "type filename" (which is no good for multi-page files). Ditto
> if I try to re-direct. For a while I was able to get around the editor
> problem by deleting the .$$$ files, but that no longer works. I am able to
> edit my files if I move them to another directory. Any ideas on how to
> clear up this directory? (I'd rather not re-format if it can be avoided)

Well, you should move any files you need to another 
directory, then remove the hidden attribute (use the 
attrib command) and then remove the directory.

Leonard Erickson (aka shadow)
shadow at krypton dot rain dot com

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