Mail Archives: opendos/2003/09/28/13:10:05

X-Authentication-Warning: mail set sender to opendos-bounces using -f
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: confirm before over-write
X-Mailer: NOS-BOX 2.05
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:08:38 +0200
Message-ID: <>
From: Lindner-Thalmaessing AT t-online DOT de
X-Seen: false
X-ID: bKvVMiZSwe0ceY9rj9nMARG1Mag3c1U4lRi0fD6FkTWF6Cnid5uJcF
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

*DOS-version 4.22*??? Leonard Erickson objected (absolutely correct):

> This is the first *I* have ever heard of a version
> 4.22. The only 4.x versions I'd ever heard of before
> were 4.00, which was a major disaster and 4.01 which
> fixed the bugs that made 4.00 the disaster.
> Would you be so kind as to type VER at a DOS prompt
> and posted what it returns, along with a
> translation?

Sorry |-( *my fault*! My (German) version of MS-DOS is 6.22, not 4.22.
Typing VER on my system returns "4DOS 5.50   DOS 6,22".
As far as I know vs 6.22 is the last vs of MS-DOS, at least in Germany.
My directory C:\DOS shows(vs# in time stamp):
XCOPY.EXE            17.250  A  31/05/1994  06:22:00
MOVE.EXE             18.613  A  31/05/1994  06:22:00

Nevertheless - I wonder but now have learned that there must be a lot of
users still using and remembering much older DOS versions than me, and work
on even more ancient computers. The 3-/4-versions were up to date before I
became blind in 1991/92, and I worked with them as long I still could see.

However: all my objections concerning the overwrite stuff with commands
like copy, xcopy and move are correct. 
Therefore in the following I repeat my corrected mail referring 
to above subject:

I am a blind DOS user still working with the ancient MS-DOS 6.22, German
version. (Reason: I was 58 when I got blind, use speech output; Jaws for
Windows is too expensive for me).

Reading all the mail traffic to above subject, I wonder if perhaps the
German version 6.22 really could be different from the English vs,
especially concerning COPY, MOVE or XCOPY commands???

Q 1: Is there no environment variable named COPYCMD in other 6.22-vs?

Q 2: How differs the command line syntax of XCOPY in other than German vs?

Here is the (translated) command line syntax of the German vs of 6.22:

XCOPY <source> <target> [/Y|/-Y] [/A|/M] [/D:Date] [/P] [/S] [/E] [/V] [/W]

To enable or disable overwriting, the params /Y or /-Y are used,
where /-Y in case of identical filenames leads to the system's question
"... overwrite ...?", otherwise always is overwritten.


Peter Lindner

Peter Lindner, Aue Nr. 37, D-91177 Thalmaessing, Tel. +49-9173-1844
E-Mail: PLind AT Web DOT DE or Lindner-Thalmaessing AT T-Online DOT DE

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