Mail Archives: opendos/2003/09/27/20:52:11

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From: shadow AT shadowgard DOT com
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 15:52:58 -0700
Subject: Re: confirm before over-write
Message-ID: <3F75B25A.28179.25EB786@localhost>
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On 27 Sep 2003 at 18:58, Lindner-Thalmaessing AT t-
online wrote:

> Hello DOS community,
> I am a blind DOS user still working with the ancient MS-DOS 4.22, German
> version. (Reason: I was 58 when I got blind, use speech output; Jaws for
> Windows is too expensive for me).
> Reading all the mail traffic to above subject, I wonder if perhaps the
> German version 4.22 really could be different from the English vs,
> especially concerning COPY, MOVE or XCOPY commands???

This is the first *I* have ever heard of a version 
4.22. The only 4.x versions I'd ever heard of before 
were 4.00, which was a major disaster and 4.01 which 
fixed the bugs that made 4.00 the disaster.

Would you be so kind as to type VER at a DOS prompt 
and posted what it returns, along with a 

Note that Move and Xcoy are not commands in most 
versions of DOS. The are utility programs.
> Q 1: Is there no environment variable named COPYCMD in other 4.22-vs?

As I noted, there isn't any other 4.22 that I've 
ever heard of. 

And there's no COPYCMD in the docs I've looked thru.

> Q 2: How differs the command line syntax of XCOPY in other than German vs?
> Here is the (translated) command line syntax of the German vs of 4.22:
> XCOPY <source> <target> [/Y|/-Y] [/A|/M] [/D:Date] [/P] [/S] [/E] [/V] [/W]
> To enable or disable overwriting, the params /Y or /-Y are used,
> where /-Y in case of identical filenames leads to the system's question
> "... overwrite ...?", otherwise always is overwritten.

Well, here's the xcopy for Windows 98:

[NetWare] c:\4dos602>xcopy /?
Copies files and directory trees.

XCOPY source [destination] [/A | /M] [/D[:date]] 
[/P] [/S [/E]] [/W]
                           [/C] [/I] [/Q] [/F] [/L] 
[/H] [/R] [/T] [/U]
                           [/K] [/N]

 source       Specifies the file(s) to copy.
 destination  Specifies the location and/or name of 
new files.
 /A           Copies files with the archive 
attribute set,
              doesn't change the attribute.
 /M           Copies files with the archive 
attribute set,
              turns off the archive attribute.
 /D:date      Copies files changed on or after the 
specified date.
              If no date is given, copies only those 
files whose
              source time is newer than the 
destination time.
 /P           Prompts you before creating each 
destination file.
 /S           Copies directories and subdirectories 
except empty ones.
 /E           Copies directories and subdirectories, 
including empty ones.
              Same as /S /E. May be used to modify 
 /W           Prompts you to press a key before 
 /C           Continues copying even if errors 
 /I           If destination does not exist and 
copying more than one file,
              assumes that destination must be a 
 /Q           Does not display file names while 
 /F           Displays full source and destination 
file names while copying.
 /L           Displays files that would be copied.
 /H           Copies hidden and system files also.
 /R           Overwrites read-only files.
 /T           Creates directory structure, but does 
not copy files. Does not
              include empty directories or 
subdirectories. /T /E includes
              empty directories and subdirectories.
 /U           Updates the files that already exist 
in destination.
 /K           Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will 
reset read-only attributes.
 /Y           Overwrites existing files without 
 /-Y          Prompts you before overwriting 
existing files.
 /N           Copy using the generated short names.

Here it is for DR-DOS 6.0

XCOPY R1.53    Extended file copy
Copyright (c) 1987,1996 Caldera, Inc.  All rights 

XCOPY [/Help] [@][d:][path][filename[.ext]] 
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] [opts]

The first file specification is the drive, path and 
name of file(s) to be
copied (wildcard filenames allowed). This 
specification must be present.
Use '@' to specify that the given file contains a 
list of files to be copied.
The second file specification is the destination 
drive and path to which files
will be copied. Files will be renamed if a 
destination filename is specified.

  /A		only copy files with the archive attribute
  /D		the destination specifies a directory
  /D:mm-dd-yy	only copy files modified since 
specified date
  /E		allow empty subdirectories to be created
  /F		the destination specifies a file
  /H		copy files with hidden or system 
  /K		preserve archive and read-only attributes
  /L		copy the disk volume label as well as 
specified files
  /M		only copy files with the archive 
attribute, reset the attribute
  /P		prompt before copying each file
  /R		overwrite read-only files
  /S		copy files in subdirectories
  /V		verify that data is written correctly
  /W		wait for disks to be changed

And for the DOS in OS/2 Warp 4.50:

Use the XCOPY command to selectively copy groups of 
Syntax: XCOPY [drive:][path] filename [drive:][path] 
filename [/D:date]
              [/S][/E][/P][/V][/A or 
  drive:\path\filename  Specifies the location of 
the file to copy.
  drive:\path\filename  Specifies the target 
destination and file name.
  /D:date               Copies files changed on or 
after the specified date.
  /S                    Copies non-empty directories 
and subdirectories.
  /E                    When used with /S, includes 
empty directories.
  /P                    Prompts you before 
performing a copy.
  /V                    Verifies files copied to 
disk correctly.
  /A                    Copies archived files only, 
but does not turn
                        off the attribute bit of the 
source file.
  /M                    Copies archived files only 
and turns off the
                        attribute bit of the source 
  /H                    Copies hidden files and 
attributes to the destination.
  /T                    Copies system files and 
attributes to the destination.
  /R                    Copies read-only files and 
attributes to the 
  /O                    Specifies that any files in 
destination can be
                        overwritten by the copy 
  /F                    Causes XCOPY to fail if the 
file to be copied
                        contains extended attributes 
that are not
                        supported by the destination 
file system.

And DR-DOS 7.03

XCOPY R1.53    Extended file copy
Copyright (c) 1987,1996 Caldera, Inc.  All rights 

XCOPY [/Help] [@][d:][path][filename[.ext]] 
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] [opts]

The first file specification is the drive, path and 
name of file(s) to be
copied (wildcard filenames allowed). This 
specification must be present.
Use '@' to specify that the given file contains a 
list of files to be copied.
The second file specification is the destination 
drive and path to which files
will be copied. Files will be renamed if a 
destination filename is specified.

  /A		only copy files with the archive attribute
  /D		the destination specifies a directory
  /D:mm-dd-yy	only copy files modified since 
specified date
  /E		allow empty subdirectories to be created
  /F		the destination specifies a file
  /H		copy files with hidden or system 
  /K		preserve archive and read-only attributes
  /L		copy the disk volume label as well as 
specified files
  /M		only copy files with the archive 
attribute, reset the attribute
  /P		prompt before copying each file
  /R		overwrite read-only files
  /S		copy files in subdirectories
  /V		verify that data is written correctly
  /W		wait for disks to be changed

Leonard Erickson (aka shadow)
shadow at krypton dot rain dot com

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