Mail Archives: opendos/2002/02/21/17:03:55

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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:14:10 -0700
From: Neal <lbneal AT pysmatic DOT net>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.78 [en] (WinNT; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: online probs
References: <5 DOT 1 DOT 0 DOT 14 DOT 0 DOT 20020221122805 DOT 009e4590 AT mail DOT dfsi DOT net>
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

Could be his COM Port, try a different port if available.

Make sure the BIOS and NT setting for the Port are ok.

Could be an Interrupt conflict with the port.

Did he take out any internal modem ???

The DNS settings in NT under TCP/IP must be correct or will not be able


Kwelella wrote:
> hello
> I recently fixed up a computer for a friend so he could get on-line but
> some prob poped up and some opinions would be welcome as to what might be
> wrong.
> the computer is a compaq 180mhz pentium pro with 190meg ram.I gave him a
> USR 56k sportster external modem to use on it. the operating system is
> DRDOS7.3 and Windows NT4 service pak 4 .
> the problem is that it will dial the inet and log in ok but then just sits
> there and cannot go to any web sites.
> in DRDOS I installed Qmodem 4.2 on my computer and my friends computer ,his
> computer will call mine and Qmodem connects but it stops right there,same
> as the internet problem.I have checked the modem and it's fine (swapped it
> out)
> what could stop his computer in its tracks,right after a connectiom is
> established? do you think phone line probs or could it be in the Compaq
> pentium pro? why does it connect up great and then just set there? had him
> call me with Qmodem a while ago and it connected fine (my end was wating
> for login name) but he didn't see any login stuff.
> if you need any more info let me know.the fact that the prob is in DOS and
> Winnt stumps me!
> tnx

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