Mail Archives: opendos/2002/02/06/14:43:54

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From: "Customer Service" <Customer DOT Service AT star149 DOT bestcheapstuff DOT com>
To: <opendos-developer AT delorie DOT com>
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Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 03:37:04
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

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Dear Friend, 
You have been approved for a 
<a href="">FREE one-month membership</a>
in the 
<a href="">Healthy Advantage savings program</a>. 
Please <a href="">click here now to claim your membership card</a>. You may use it to immediately begin saving up to...

<font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2" color="#000000"><b>
50% off <a href="">eyeglasses, contacts, sunglasses</a>, and more!<br>
50% off <a href="">dental exams, cleaning, X-rays</a>, and more!<br>
60% off <a href="">prescription drugs</a>, including brand name and generic!<br>
20% off <a href="">hearing aids</a> with FREE checkups and FREE cleaning!<br>
50% off hundreds of <a href="">vitamins and nutritional supplements!</a><br>
30% off dozens of <a href="">alternative medical treatments!</a></b></font><br>

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<b>BONUS:</b> Respond now and get a 
<a href="">FREE 3-Piece Deluxe Radio Sound System</a>. 
It's a $30.00 value, yours to keep FREE as our thanks just for trying Healthy Advantage.


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This offer is only valid for the next 48 hours. 
<a href="">Click here now</a>.

Bruno Ayanian<br>
<a href="">American Health Association</a><br>
Stamford, CT 06905<br>

P.S. <a href="">Click here</a> to see all the providers who accept the card in your town.

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Copyright 2002, American Health Association (AHA).  All rights reserved.</FONT>



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