Mail Archives: opendos/2001/12/19/15:27:54

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To: <opendos AT delorie DOT com>
From: "Mark in Clinton TWP. MI. USA" <MarWar AT Provide DOT net>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 15:25:05 +0500
X-Mailer: Net-Tamer 1.13 Beta
Subject: Re: Big Drives (was: Pc-Dos 2000)
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Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

What is the 704-5 version?  is that an update to 703 and
can it be used or is it not for home use?



On 2001-12-17 opendos AT delorie DOT com said:
   -Interesting. Have you actually tried this? I use DM to overcome
   -the "512M (524M) barrier" on old motherboards, but I don't have
   -a drive > 8G to experiment with.
   -If this is so, is it a feature of the "Dynamic Drive Overlay"
   -(ie. the special MBR) or a redirector (ie. driver)? And is this
   -the special DR-DOS 7.04/7.05 O/S that (IIRC) Ontrack obtained
   -from Lineo, or more general (ie. for normal versions of DOS)?
   -> -----Original Message-----
   -> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 4:12 AM
   -> Ontrack System's Diskmanager software gives DOS the ability to
   ->access the  whole drive when it's bigger than 8GB.
   -> Stuart Cox
   -> Map Generalization Technician, not
   -> Forest Inventory and Monitoring Branch
   -> Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
   -> ······················································
   -> Phone: (250)387-5529
   -> FAX: (250)356-9430
   -> email Stuart DOT Cox AT gems1 DOT gov DOT bc DOT ca
   -> View the FMIB Website at:
   -> -----Original Message-----
   -> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 12:07 AM
   -> Greetings.
   -> Some months ago, it seemed time to replace my old computer with a
   ->new  one. Wanting to support DOS, I purchased a copy of IBM PC DOS
   ->2000. I  purchased it brand new from CDW. It was in stock, not
   ->special-ordered.  In fact, CDW still lists two versions of IBM PC
   ->DOS 2000  ( &
   -> I can only
   -> deduce that reports that IBM has discontinued DOS are unfounded. I
   -> might add that I was rather disappointed by my purchase. It was
   ->quite  clear that the package hasn't been updated in years. I was
   ->also  troubled by its, or at least FDISKs, inability to make full
   ->use of  extremely large hard drives (though I'm in no position to
   ->speculate  whether there are work-arounds). Of course, if I had
   ->needed PCMCIA  drivers for my computer, and if PC DOS's PCMCIA
   ->driver's were  compatible, I might have been much happier with PC
   -DOS. <g> >
   -> Just my two cents. Happy holidays to all!
   -> Cordially,
   -> Richard Kanarek
   -> P.S. I also supported OpenDOS by purchasing a licensed copy of it
   ->some  years ago.


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