Mail Archives: opendos/2001/12/17/12:03:58

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Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:03:57 -0800
From: "Cox, Stuart SRM:EX" <Stuart DOT Cox AT gems1 DOT gov DOT bc DOT ca>
Subject: RE: Big Drives (was: Pc-Dos 2000)
To: "'opendos AT delorie DOT com'" <opendos AT delorie DOT com>
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Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

No, I've not actually seen it work.  (Sounds bad, doesn't it?)

You seem to be more intimately aware of Diskmanager's operation than I've
wanted to have to come to know or have been forced to become.

I get the impression that it's a DDO thing though.  It didn't seem to be
(DR|MS|?)-DOS specific either.

I bought the most recent version to be able to install a 20BG drive on a
166MHz MMX Windows box.  The advertising prominently listed DOS > 8GB as an
important feature for some of us.  

Once in possession of the software however, I couldn't find any instructions
on how to use the DOS specific feature(s).  An email to Ontrack resolved my
dilemma by telling me that there's an executable that makes up a DOS
bootable diskette with all the stuff that is needed to install the DDO and

I haven't had the time to experiment with installing it on a pure DOS box.
Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all.  I also don't want to ignore
their license.

Stuart Cox
Map Generalization Technician, not
Forest Inventory and Monitoring Branch
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Phone: (250)387-5529
FAX: (250)356-9430
email Stuart DOT Cox AT gems1 DOT gov DOT bc DOT ca
View the FMIB Website at:

-----Original Message-----
From: da Silva, Joe [mailto:Joe DOT daSilva AT emailmetering DOT com]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 11:11 PM
To: 'opendos AT delorie DOT com'
Subject: RE: Big Drives (was: Pc-Dos 2000)

Interesting. Have you actually tried this? I use DM to overcome
the "512M (524M) barrier" on old motherboards, but I don't have
a drive > 8G to experiment with.

If this is so, is it a feature of the "Dynamic Drive Overlay"
(ie. the special MBR) or a redirector (ie. driver)? And is this
the special DR-DOS 7.04/7.05 O/S that (IIRC) Ontrack obtained
from Lineo, or more general (ie. for normal versions of DOS)?


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Cox, Stuart SRM:EX [SMTP:Stuart DOT Cox AT gems1 DOT gov DOT bc DOT ca]
> Sent:	Saturday, December 15, 2001 4:12 AM
> To:	'opendos AT delorie DOT com'
> Subject:	RE: Pc-Dos 2000
> Ontrack System's Diskmanager software gives DOS the ability to access the
> whole drive when it's bigger than 8GB.  
> Stuart Cox
> Map Generalization Technician, not
> Forest Inventory and Monitoring Branch
> Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
> ······················································
> Phone: (250)387-5529
> FAX: (250)356-9430
> email Stuart DOT Cox AT gems1 DOT gov DOT bc DOT ca
> View the FMIB Website at:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Kanarek [mailto:rkanarek AT sprintmail DOT com]
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 12:07 AM
> To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
> Subject: Re: Pc-Dos 2000
> Greetings.
> Some months ago, it seemed time to replace my old computer with a new
> one. Wanting to support DOS, I purchased a copy of IBM PC DOS 2000. I
> purchased it brand new from CDW. It was in stock, not special-ordered.
> In fact, CDW still lists two versions of IBM PC DOS 2000
> ( &
> I can only
> deduce that reports that IBM has discontinued DOS are unfounded. I
> might add that I was rather disappointed by my purchase. It was quite
> clear that the package hasn't been updated in years. I was also
> troubled by its, or at least FDISKs, inability to make full use of
> extremely large hard drives (though I'm in no position to speculate
> whether there are work-arounds). Of course, if I had needed PCMCIA
> drivers for my computer, and if PC DOS's PCMCIA driver's were
> compatible, I might have been much happier with PC DOS. <g>
> Just my two cents. Happy holidays to all!
> Cordially,
> Richard Kanarek
> P.S. I also supported OpenDOS by purchasing a licensed copy of it some
> years ago.

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