Mail Archives: opendos/2001/11/19/13:01:11

Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:43:18 GMT
From: Alex Venn <aven AT ukgateway DOT net>
Organization: Computer Peasant
Message-ID: <20011119.13566@olim.1.43>
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: WebBoy (was: any new dos?)
X-Mailer: OLIM v1.43
Lines: 27
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

In article <01FD6EC775C6D4119CDF0090273F74A455A81D AT emwatent02 DOT meters DOT com DOT au> you write:
> As far as I know, no English edition of V4 has been released,
> although there is an English edition of V3 available (this version
> did not support Javascript, though). So, you would need the
> help of someone versed in Japanese to install this, after which
> you should be able to operate it via the icons).

I wish whoever tries it luck. I had a couple of goes at installing the 
V3 from the Japanese site and it always ended up with a blank screen. 
Maybe there is more to it than running the install batch file :( On the
other hand, if anybody does succeed, I'd be interested in finding out
what it takes. 

 > BTW, a derivative of WebBoy V3 is still available, in several
languages > (including English), see

This one does install OK and it works pretty well too (as a viewer at 
least, although the inability of passing a filename is a downer), but so 
far Arachne still rules.

   ____________________________    _______________________________
  (    Alex Venn               )  (   Success has many fathers,   )  
 (_)   aven AT ukgateway DOT net     (____)  but failure is an orphan.  (_)

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