Mail Archives: opendos/2001/07/29/08:47:10

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 9:38:29 GMT
From: Alex Venn <aven AT ukgateway DOT net>
Organization: Computer Peasant
Message-ID: <2001729.13363.olim.1.42>
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: WfW 3.11 standard mode
X-Mailer: OLIM v1.42
Lines: 11
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

There was a brief thread about the possibility of running WfW 3.11 in 
standard mode a while ago. I'm told that the command line parm to do 
this is /D:T. It doesn't help with the DRDOS taskswitcher, which was 
what the original query was about, but it does remove the 386enhanced 
icon so presumably it goes some way in the right direction.
   ____________________________    _______________________________
  (    Alex Venn               )  (   Success has many fathers,   )  
 (_)   aven AT ukgateway DOT net     (____)  but failure is an orphan.  (_)

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