Mail Archives: opendos/2001/06/04/16:40:23

From: "Richard Adamson" <fishy DOT nun AT virgin DOT net>
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 21:19:15 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: multitasking gives blank screen
In-reply-to: <00b301c0ea40$50bacd80$a608e289@mpaul>
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Hello Matthias, and thank you very much for answering.

On 31 May 01, at 22:11, Matthias Paul wrote:

> On 2001-05-29, Richard <fishy DOT nun AT virgin DOT net> wrote:
> > I installed dr-dos 7.03 on a 386pc (precisely, a Compaq prolinea 
> > 386/20e) a couple of days ago. When I press the hotkeys for 
> > multitasking, screen goes blank, nothing responds after that.

> I understand that you cannot use the pre-emptive multitasker, but
> that the task-switcher kind of works in your configuration, right?

Yes thats right.
> A general pre-requisite for the multitasker to run tasks in background
> is that you must have a 386 with at least 4 Mb of extended memory and
> must load EMM386.EXE with the /MULTI option, otherwise it will
> only allow for task switching. If you did not already, try this.
> In case you run into crashes, you can still start the task-*switcher*
> by using TASKMGR /S in this situation.

Ive got 8 Mb extended memory (whether Im managing to access it is another
question) with MULTI specified. The DOS is newly installed and configured
via the Setup utility, quite conservatively. I have subsequently tried
with/without various other options (DPMI on/off, with/without NWCACHE) but
nothing made a difference. I understood about the /S switch for TASKMGR, and
am using it just to get on.

> Since you are using a Compaq machine and seem to be experiencing
> a problem with upper memory, add /COMPAQ=OFF to the
> DEVICE=EMM386.EXE ... line in [D]CONFIG.SYS.

Thats done.

> I also suggest to add /VERBOSE=DEBUG so you will get more
> verbose startup messages, which might help to track down what´s
> going wrong.

I get:
|EMM386 3.27  Copyright (c) 1992, 1998 Caldera, Inc. All rights reserved.
|ISA :006F0000 AT 00110000
|  Frame=NONE  VM

> >I can add new tasks, (which persist, insomuch 
> > as if e.g. I invoke the editor on a file, that file is reported as still 
> > open; so I cant edit it in a later task) but theres no way of getting 
> > back to the previous task.
> ??? Sorry, I don´t understand what you are doing here...
> How do you add new tasks, via command line or via INS hotkey
> from within the CTRL+ESC menu? Who reports the file to be
> still open when you cannot switch tasks? Are you using a 3rd party
> shell like 4DOS? What´s the contents of the Exec= directive in
> TASKMGR.INI? Have you changed the TASKMGR hotkeys
> in the TASKMGR.INI file?

Sorry, what I meant was e.g. I run the text editor and open a file, then
using the hotkeys, I get the task swapper menu, and press INS to start a new
task. As you would expect, I get the DOS prompt. But if I go back to the
task swapping menu, theres only one task up there, so the first session has
disappeared. Now if run the text editor and try to open that text file
again, it says "Disk error - file already open"

Im not using a 3rd party shell, exec=false, I have tried various combinations
of hot keys, but made no difference so back to default since last 

> Please report your [D]CONFIG.SYS, AUTODOS7.BAT/
> AUTOEXEC.BAT and TASKMGR.INI files, and forward
> a MEM /A output, so we can learn about your memory layout
> and programs involved.
> In particular, I would like to see a MEM /A output after
> a F5 clean boot, and one in your normal configuration.

I have appended these files down below. I cut out the #comment lines from
TASKMGR.INI to save a bit of space. TASKMGR.INI was entirely generated via
the Setup program, BTW.

> >   I "solved" this by excluding C000-FFFF on the config.sys emm386 
> > line. (It will perhaps be apparent that *I dont know what Im doing*?) 
> > After this, though, task switching works again.
> OK, this indicates a problem with your upper memory usage.
> You can try to narrow the excluded area until the problem occurs.
> What are the adapters installed into your computer, anything that
> is using memory mapped I/O like (SMC?) network adapters or
> some graphics cards?
> In this case you must manually exclude these areas which are
> used for memory mapped I/O as EMM386 might have difficulties
> to detect them automatically.

I havent tried this yet. Task swapping does work when all upper memory is
excluded, and doesnt when it isnt; but pre-emptive multitasking doesnt work
in either case, so I figured it was a separate problem at this stage?

Sorry I dont know how to answer or find out about the adapters. The VGA is a
card, not on the motherboard. There is an (unused) sound card. There was a
network card; Ive taken that out, and reinstalled since then.


(requested files follow)

|@ECHO Off
|PATH C:\DRDOS;C:\;c:\utils
|KEYB dv,,dvorak.sys
|SET TEMP=c:temp
|SHARE /L:20 

|DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.EXE MULTI DPMI=OFF FRAME=NONE /E=C000-FFFF verbose=debug compaq=off

|ColorSet1="Color",     0x13
|ColorSet3="Bright",    0x1C
|ColorSet4="Pastel",    0x39
|ColorSet5="Pasture",   0x2A
|ColorSet6="Trad",      0x56,
|ColorSet7="Sunset",    0x6E
|Top=     0xDA, 0xC4, 0xBF 
|Middle=  0xB3, 0x20, 0xB3
|Section= 0xB3, 0xC4, 0xB3
|Bottom=  0xC0, 0xC4, 0xD
|Shadow=  0xDB                    

MEM /A after F5 boot:

³    0:0000 ³ -------- ³  A0000h, 655,360 ³ ------------- RAM --------------- ³
³    0:0000 ³ -------- ³    400h,   1,024 ³ Interrupt vectors                 ³
³   40:0000 ³ -------- ³    100h,     256 ³ ROM BIOS data area                ³
³   50:0000 ³      DOS ³    200h,     512 ³ DOS data area                     ³
³   70:0000 ³     BIOS ³    900h,   2,304 ³ Device drivers                    ³
³   70:0023 ³ CON      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:0035 ³ AUX      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:0047 ³ PRN      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:0059 ³ CLOCK$   ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:006B ³ COM1     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:007D ³ COM2     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:008F ³ COM3     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00A1 ³ COM4     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00C7 ³ LPT1     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00D9 ³ LPT2     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00EB ³ LPT3     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:016E ³    A:-C: ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³  100:0000 ³      DOS ³   13A0h,   5,024 ³ System                            ³
³  100:0048 ³ NUL      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³  100:00CC ³      DOS ³    10Fh,     271 ³  HANDLES=, FCBS=   5 total blocks ³
³  23A:0000 ³      DOS ³   8B00h,  35,584 ³ System                            ³
³  23C:0000 ³      DOS ³     A5h,     165 ³  HANDLES=, FCBS=   3 total blocks ³
³  249:0000 ³      DOS ³     DAh,     218 ³  HANDLES=, FCBS=   4 total blocks ³
³  25A:0000 ³      DOS ³    A64h,   2,660 ³  BUFFERS=   5 disk buffers        ³
³   AF:2700 ³      DOS ³    F70h,   3,952 ³ DOS BIOS code                     ³
³   D7:3400 ³      DOS ³   7280h,  29,312 ³ DOS kernel code                   ³
³  AEA:0000 ³  COMMAND ³   2270h,   8,816 ³ Program                           ³
³  D11:0000 ³  COMMAND ³    210h,     528 ³ Environment                       ³
³  D32:0000 ³      MEM ³     70h,     112 ³ Environment                       ³
³  D39:0000 ³      MEM ³  15C20h,  89,120 ³ Program                           ³
³ 22FB:0000 ³ -------- ³  7CC50h, 511,056 ³ FREE                              ³
³ 9FC0:0000 ³ -------- ³    400h,   1,024 ³ Extended ROM BIOS data area       ³
³ C000:0000 ³ -------- ³   6000h,  24,576 ³ ------------- ROM --------------- ³
³ E000:0000 ³ -------- ³   6000h,  24,576 ³ ------------- ROM --------------- ³
³ E000:0000 ³ -------- ³  20000h, 131,072 ³ ------------- ROM --------------- ³

³     0h   10000h  20000h  30000h  40000h  50000h  60000h  70000h          ³
³     0K      64K    128K    192K    256K    320K    384K    448K          ³
³     ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²     ³
³     ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²................±±±.............±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±     ³
³    512K    576K    640K    704K    768K    832K    896K    960K     1MB  ³
³  80000h  90000h  A0000h  B0000h  C0000h  D0000h  E0000h  F0000h 100000h  ³
Key:  ²=RAM  ±=ROM  °=Shadow ROM  Û=EMS

Ú Memory Type ÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄ Total Bytes ( Kbytes  ) ÄÂÄÄÄ Available For Programs Ä¿
³                   ³                            ³                            ³
³ Conventional      ³       654,336 (    639K )  ³       600,288 (    586K )  ³
³ Extended          ³     7,340,032 (  7,168K )  ³     7,340,032 (  7,168K )  ³
³ Largest executable program:  600,272 ( 586K )                               ³
³ Total Free DOS memory:       600,288 ( 586K )                               ³

MEM /A after normal boot:

³    0:0000 ³ -------- ³  A0000h, 655,360 ³ ------------- RAM --------------- ³
³    0:0000 ³ -------- ³    400h,   1,024 ³ Interrupt vectors                 ³
³   40:0000 ³ -------- ³    100h,     256 ³ ROM BIOS data area                ³
³   50:0000 ³      DOS ³    200h,     512 ³ DOS data area                     ³
³   70:0000 ³     BIOS ³    900h,   2,304 ³ Device drivers                    ³
³   70:0023 ³ CON      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:0035 ³ AUX      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:0047 ³ PRN      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:0059 ³ CLOCK$   ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:006B ³ COM1     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:007D ³ COM2     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:008F ³ COM3     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00A1 ³ COM4     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00C7 ³ LPT1     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00D9 ³ LPT2     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:00EB ³ LPT3     ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³   70:016E ³    A:-C: ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³  100:0000 ³      DOS ³   13A0h,   5,024 ³ System                            ³
³  100:0048 ³ NUL      ³                  ³  System device driver             ³
³  100:00CC ³      DOS ³    10Fh,     271 ³  HANDLES=, FCBS=   5 total blocks ³
³  23A:0000 ³      DOS ³   4550h,  17,744 ³ System                            ³
³  23C:0000 ³      DOS ³     A5h,     165 ³  HANDLES=, FCBS=   3 total blocks ³
³  249:0000 ³ VCPIXXX0 ³   27D0h,  10,192 ³  DEVICE = installed device driver ³
³  263:0000 ³ EMMQXXX0 ³      0h,       0 ³  DEVICE = installed device driver ³
³  400:0000 ³ VMXXXXX0 ³      0h,       0 ³  DEVICE = installed device driver ³
³  4B2:0000 ³ DPMIXXX0 ³      0h,       0 ³  DEVICE = installed device driver ³
³  4C7:0000 ³ DPMSXXX0 ³    3B0h,     944 ³  DEVICE = installed device driver ³
³  503:0000 ³ SETVERXX ³    200h,     512 ³  DEVICE = installed device driver ³
³  524:0000 ³ CON      ³   10D0h,   4,304 ³  DEVICE = installed device driver ³
³  632:0000 ³      DOS ³    356h,     854 ³  HANDLES=, FCBS=  16 total blocks ³
³  68F:0000 ³  COMMAND ³    1F0h,     496 ³ Program                           ³
³  6AE:0000 ³  COMMAND ³    210h,     528 ³ Environment                       ³
³  6CF:0000 ³  TASKMGR ³    140h,     320 ³ Data                              ³
³  6E3:0000 ³  TASKMGR ³     70h,     112 ³ Data                              ³
³  6EA:0000 ³     KEYB ³   1B20h,   6,944 ³ Program                           ³
³  89C:0000 ³  TASKMGR ³     A0h,     160 ³ Environment                       ³
³  8A6:0000 ³  NWCACHE ³   56C0h,  22,208 ³ Program                           ³
³  E12:0000 ³  TASKMGR ³   3960h,  14,688 ³ Program                           ³
³ 11A8:0000 ³      MEM ³     A0h,     160 ³ Environment                       ³
³ 11B2:0000 ³      MEM ³  15C20h,  89,120 ³ Program                           ³
³ 2774:0000 ³ -------- ³  784C0h, 492,736 ³ FREE                              ³
³ 9FC0:0000 ³ -------- ³    400h,   1,024 ³ Extended ROM BIOS data area       ³
³ FA00:0000 ³ -------- ³   1000h,   4,096 ³ ---------- Shadow ROM ----------- ³
³ FD00:0000 ³ -------- ³   1000h,   4,096 ³ ---------- Shadow ROM ----------- ³
³ FFFF:00E0 ³  COMMAND ³   2080h,   8,320 ³ Program                           ³
³ FFFF:2240 ³      DOS ³    F70h,   3,952 ³ DOS BIOS code                     ³
³ FFFF:31B0 ³      DOS ³   7280h,  29,312 ³ DOS kernel code                   ³
³ FFFF:A430 ³      DOS ³   1F2Ch,   7,980 ³  BUFFERS=  15 disk buffers        ³
³ FFFF:C35C ³ -------- ³   1DD8h,   7,640 ³ FREE                              ³
³ FFFF:F3DC ³    SHARE ³    C14h,   3,092 ³ Program                           ³

³     0h   10000h  20000h  30000h  40000h  50000h  60000h  70000h          ³
³     0K      64K    128K    192K    256K    320K    384K    448K          ³
³     ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²     ³
³     ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²..............................................±±     ³
³    512K    576K    640K    704K    768K    832K    896K    960K     1MB  ³
³  80000h  90000h  A0000h  B0000h  C0000h  D0000h  E0000h  F0000h 100000h  ³
Key:  ²=RAM  ±=ROM  °=Shadow ROM  Û=EMS

Ú Memory Type ÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄ Total Bytes ( Kbytes  ) ÄÂÄÄÄ Available For Programs Ä¿
³                   ³                            ³                            ³
³ Conventional      ³       654,336 (    639K )  ³       582,016 (    568K )  ³
³ High              ³        65,520 (     64K )  ³         7,640 (      7K )  ³
³ Extended          ³     7,340,032 (  7,168K )  ³             0 (      0K )  ³
³ Extended via XMS  ³          --------          ³     1,998,848 (  1,952K )  ³
³ Largest executable program:  582,000 ( 568K )                               ³
³ Total Free DOS memory:       582,016 ( 568K )                               ³


- Raw text -

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