Mail Archives: opendos/2001/05/31/02:20:29

Message-ID: <>
From: "da Silva, Joe" <Joe DOT daSilva AT emailmetering DOT com>
To: "'opendos AT delorie DOT com'" <opendos AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: RE: RE: Fwd: DRDOS & IP (also IE5 for W3.X)
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 14:34:31 +1000
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0)
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

Thanks for that. It's interesting that you succeeded installing this stuff
with 7.03 ... perhaps there is a subtle difference between that and the
updated 7.02 (with WFW3.11), that affects this ... ? Well, if the need
arises in the future to try installing this stuff again, I will also try
(just for curiosity;-). It is interesting to note that the two 'M$ Internet
Tools' components which failed to install (the dialler and the browser),
were also the only two components which "demanded" to write to the
boot disk (AFAIK, only CONFIG.SYS was actually modified) ...

So far, M$ IE5 for W3.X seems to work fairly well. In comparison to
M$ IE3.03 for W3.X ...
a) It is definitely slower, but acceptable, on a 486DX2. Unlike 3.03,
   it does not slow dramatically on big web pages (> ~64K ?).
b) It goes "wild" with hard disk activity if virtual memory is enabled,
   so I disable it (RAM = 16M).
c) When it runs out of memory (I think), operations such as
   downloads don't work properly. However, unlike 3.03, closing
   a few windows seems to fix this (whereas with 3.03, severe
   memory leakage resulted).
d) Functionally, this version doesn't seem much different to 3.03.

As for Opera ... I must say this was "hate at first sight". I find Arachne
to be much more user-friendly.  <g>


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Alex Venn [SMTP:aven AT ukgateway DOT net]
> Sent:	Wednesday, 30 May 2001 3:14
> To:	opendos AT delorie DOT com
> Subject:	re: RE: Fwd: DRDOS & IP (also IE5 for W3.X)
> In article
> <01FD6EC775C6D4119CDF0090273F74A455A63B AT emwatent02 DOT meters DOT com DOT au> you
> write:
> > Also, remember "I am running ie5. using trumpet for the tcp/ip stack,
> > and it works fine" (2001/03/14) ... ? Well, I finally managed to install
> > IE5 for W3.X ... by booting from a MS-DOS 6.22 floppy first!!! It simply
> > would not install the dialler or browser using DR-DOS 6.0 or 7.02(+)!
> > Am I right to assume, the machines where you managed to install
> > this stuff, were running M$-DOS & Windoze 3.X ?
> I installed IE 5.01 (or maybe it was 5.1 ?) on a PC running DRDOS 7.03 
> and WfW3.11. It even did this while Windows was running as a task under
> Taskmgr. I always run Windows this way and it works fine.
> IE5 worked OK as well, but it was no better than Opera and it was such a
> bloated beast it offended me.
> Alex.
> -- 
>    ____________________________    _______________________________
>   (    Alex Venn               )  (   Success has many fathers,   )  
>  (_)   aven AT ukgateway DOT net     (____)  but failure is an orphan.  (_)

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