Mail Archives: opendos/2001/03/08/22:55:12
Wow! Thanks for that, Arkady!
Well, it looks like Uncle Murphey (sp?) has struck again!
In your Cyrillic text below, the 'm' is still an 'm', so perhaps
the only clue I had about the character coding was a
"typo"!!! :-/
Anyway, one last thing - what code page should be used
for this file? Eg. 855, 866, or something else?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arkady V.Belousov [SMTP:ark AT belous DOT munic DOT msk DOT su]
> Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2001 22:23
> To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
> Subject: RE: Text file format .ASC ? (#1)
> X-Comment-To: da Silva, Joe
> Hi!
> 8-Мар-2001 11:31 Joe DOT daSilva AT emailmetering DOT com (da Silva, Joe) wrote to
> "'opendos AT delorie DOT com'" <opendos AT delorie DOT com>:
> dJ> To answer your last question first, I know the 'm' is representing
> dJ> either the Roman letter 'u' or the Greek letter "mu", because the
> dJ> text is clearly referring to the NEC switch-mode chip 'uPC494C'.
> dJ> Although the first letter of this chip number is usually shown as
> dJ> 'u', I think the "proper" letter is the Greek letter "mu", similar to
> dJ> chip numbers such as 'uA741' (ex-Fairchild) ...
> dJ> As far as the algorithm or program used - I have no idea. I'm looking
> dJ> for clues about this ... After I know what this text format is, my
> next
> dJ> task will be to find a suitable program, with which to either display
> dJ> or convert this text.
> dJ> I'm not sure how much this will help, but here are the first few lines
> dJ> of the file in question (not sure if it will come out right) :
> dJ> пpовеpк микpосхемы TL494 и ее логов
> This is Russian text in cyrillic, although some codes looks dropped.
> Below I translate this (although my English, especially chipsets related,
> is
> weak).
> dJ> (OE1114..."4, mPC494C, IR3M02)
> dJ> ' сост в этой ^' входит: з д ющий геер тор пилообр зого
> dJ> пряжеия А1, ч стот геер тор з д ется вешим резистором R1
> dJ> кодес тором C1 и может быть приближео определе по формуле
> dJ> f=1/(C1*R1). R1 включ ется между вывод ми 6 и 7, C1 между
> dJ> вывод ми 5 и 7. Амплитуд пилы е з висит от оми лов R1 и C1 и
> dJ> приблизительо р в 4'; усилитель цепи обр той связи DA2;
> dJ> широто-импульсый модулятор, выполеый комп р торе DA4;
> "check for TL494 chips and its logs
> (OE1114..."4, mPC494C, IR3M02)
> 'contents of this ^' includes: drive generator of sawtooth voltage A1,
> generator frequency defined by external resistor R1, condenser C1 and may
> be
> approximated by f=1/(C1*R1) formula. R1 should be inserted between outputs
> 6 and 7, whereas C1 between 5 and 7. Amplitude of saw not depends from R1
> and C1 nominals and approximately equal to 4'; amplifier of feedback chain
> DA2; pulse duration modulator, implemented in DA4 comparator"
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