Mail Archives: opendos/2001/02/14/04:14:17

Message-ID: <>
From: "da Silva, Joe" <Joe DOT daSilva AT emailmetering DOT com>
To: "'opendos AT delorie DOT com'" <opendos AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: RE: Web browsers, CD-ROM drivers (was Dr-dos... Installed!)
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 20:13:05 +1100
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0)
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

See below ...


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Patrick Moran [SMTP:pmoran22 AT yahoo DOT com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, 14 February 2001 10:13
> To:	opendos AT delorie DOT com
> Subject:	Re: Dr-dos... Installed!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "White Dragon" <white DOT dragon AT tin DOT it>
> To: <opendos AT delorie DOT com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 11:18 AM
> Subject: Dr-dos... Installed!
	----- snip -----

> >  Modem and tcp/ip support are in NWCLIENT?
> Not tcp/ip or an RAS. There are packages available for tcp/ip and PPP
> connects (and SLIP for that metter.) One I have is Minuet. You can also
> steal or use the stuff out of WEBSPYDER. It has all the rcp/ip and PPP
> stuff in it. In fact if you do not intend to set up a network, you could
> just remove the PNW and use WEBSPYDER. There is supposed to be an
> improved version of it out there someplace. Archaine or something
> similar. I'll be playing with that stuff soon as I now have a ISP with a
> shell account and they run Linux boxes.
	[da Silva, Joe]  

	Anyone know what was the last version of DR-Webspyder?
	(Was it 2.1b2? If so, as a browser, it is far too unstable.)

	Go to and get a copy of Arachne 1.70 ...
	as a DOS web browser, it works very well (much better than
	the above 2.1b2), although it still does not do Javascript ...

	----- snip -----

> Now that you have the DRDOS multiboot installed, you use the
> AUTODOS7.BAT and DCONFIG.SYS files for your DOS configuration and setup.
> Do not use the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS fies. they could mess up
> WINDOZE. If you put the CDROM drivers in the CONFIG.SYS file under
> stupid 95, the dumb thing would try and load both the DOS and WINDOZE
> drivers and would crash the system. It appears that they fixed that in
> 98, but why waste the space if both are actually loaded?
	[da Silva, Joe]  

	Hmmm ... I *always* load the CD-ROM drivers (I have enough
	memory to fit them, so why not? I often boot just to M$-DOS
	7.10 ;-) and never have a problem with Windoze 95B crashing.

	----- snip -----

- Raw text -

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