Mail Archives: opendos/2000/11/08/13:54:34

From: "Matthias Paul" <PAUL-MA AT reze-1 DOT rz DOT rwth-aachen DOT de>
Organization: Rechenzentrum RWTH Aachen
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 17:57:18 +0100
Subject: Gary Kildall: CP/M family of 8-bit and 16-bit Operating Systems
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail v3.22
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Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com


Since we recently talked about Gary Kildall, I browsed my archives 
for some background material. 

I'll start with a rather long article Gary published in BYTE magazine 
in June 1981 (more than 19 years ago!!!), but there's more in case 
some of you would be interested in having a deeper look into early 
Digital Research history.
I for one like to look into the past to learn for the future, and 
I often find that bright ideas stand all the changes of time and
are often great solutions when adapted to today's technology. 

Hope you enjoy this little journey into the past...
   <CP/M: A Family of 8-and 16-Bit Operating Systems>
   <by Dr Gary Kildall>
   This article is about microprocessors and CP/M: where they came
   from, what they are, and what they're going to be. Where they came
   from is history, what they are today is fact, and what they will
   become is, like any projection of technology, pure "science 
   fiction" speculation. CP/M is an operating system developed for
   microcomputers. But as microprocessors changed, CP/M and its 
   related programming tools evolved into a family of portable 
   operating systems, languages, and applications packages.
   The value of computer resources has changed dramatically with the
   introduction of microprocessors. Three major events have
   precipitated a revolution in computing: hand-threaded core memory
   has been replaced by mass-produced semiconductor memory;
   microprocessors have become plentiful; and IBM decided that the
   punched card is obsolete. Low-cost memory and processors have
   reduced the cost of computer systems to a few hundred dollars, but
   IBM's specification of the floppy disk standard has made the small
   computer system useful.
   In the early days of the 8080 microprocessor, a small company
   called Shugart Associates was taking shape up the street from 
   Shugart Associates, along with a number of other companies, viewed
   the floppy disk as more than a punched card replacement; at that
   time the primary low-cost storage medium was paper tape (used in
   applications ranging from program development to word processing).
   At a cost of $5, a floppy disk held as much data as two hundred 
   feet of paper tape, and a disk drive retailed for only $500--an
   unbeatable combination. Memory, processor, and floppy-disk
   technology improved, and by the mid-1970's, a floppy-based computer
   could be purchased for about one quarter of a programmer's annual
   salary. Quite simply, it was no longer necessary to share computer
   Since that time, microprocessors have been applied to a variety of
   computing needs beyond replacement of low-end minicomputers. Due to
   applications such as machine-tool movement and sensing, data
   acquisition, and communications, current interest lies in real-time
   control. In a real-time operating system, process management can be
   separated from the I/O (input/output) system (which is not required
   in many applications). Real-time facilities allow the execution of
   interactive processes according to priority, and their addition or
   deletion in a simple fashion. This results in a custom operating
   system designed to solve a particular problem. In contrast to
   timesharing, realtime operating systems have minimal "interrupt
   windows" in which external interrupts are disabled. Real-time
   operating systems such as the Intel RMX and National Starplex
   packages provide this level of support.
   The emerging interest in local networks poses a new challenge to
   designers of operating systems. Recently, Intel, DEC (Digital
   Equipment Corporation), and Xerox formed an alliance to promote
   Ethernet, a packet-switching network intended to provide
   point-to-point data transfer in an office environment. (In a
   packet-switching network, data from several slow-speed sources, 
   such as user terminals, is collected over local lines by a 
   single network node, which then periodically transmits the data 
   to its destination at a much higher speed, in groups called 
   packets.) In terms of evolution and potential, Ethernet is today 
   what floppy disks were a decade ago. This inexpensive office 
   network performs such tasks as the transfer of a form letter 
   from data storage at one location to a memory typewriter in 
   another part of the building. When modifications are completed, 
   the letter is typed locally or sent to a laser (or other) 
   printer that is a shared network resource. 
   Most timesharing systems handle a network through simple file
   transfers between the machines (nodes) in the net, but real
   refinements occur when the operating system itself is distributed
   among the nodes. File access is provided by one server node, while 
   a computing function is performed by another. To the user, a 
   requester node appears as a powerful computing facility, even 
   though it may consist of only a local microprocessor, a console, 
   and a limited amount of memory.
   What refinements have been made to operating systems? Our models
   have been simplified; we understand primitive operations required
   for reliable process synchronization in real-time systems, and the
   humanoriented interface in interactive subsystems has been 
   improved. We will, no doubt, continue to refine our models for 
   timesharing and real-time operating systems, but the most 
   exciting new operating system technology will develop around 
   emerging network hardware. 
   <Application Languages>
   Application languages form the top level of support for application
   programming. How does this level of language differ from other
   language levels? First and foremost, an application language
   contains the operations and data types suitable for expressing
   programs in a particular problem environment. FORTRAN (FORmula
   TRANslation), for example, was designed in the late 1950s for
   scientific applications; FORTRAN programs, therefore, consist
   primarily of algebraic expressions operating upon binary
   floating-point numbers expressed in scientific notation. However,
   FORTRAN contains only primitive file-access facilities and no
   decimal arithmetic, making it unsuitable for commercial data
   processing. COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) has the
   commercial facilities, but it excludes scientific features such as 
   a complete transcendental-function library.
   In contrast to system languages that run on a given machine, these
   application languages would ideally contain no machine-dependent
   features. An application language is either poorly designed or
   ill-suited for a particular problem if the programmer is forced to
   use extra-lingual constructs to access lower-level functions of the
   operating system or machine. The language must be a standard,
   without the necessity for various locally defined language
   extensions. An extended standard language is of limited value since
   the extensions are unlikely to exist in other implementations.
   The evolution of PL/I (Programming Language/One) provides a good
   example of refinement in application languages. PL/I is not a new
   invention: rather, it was defined by a committee of IBM users in
   1960 as a combination of ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language), FORTRAN, and
   COBOL, with a liberal sprinkling of new facilities. ALGOL's
   principal contribution was block structure and nested constructs,
   while FORTRAN contributed scientific processing and COBOL added
   commercial facilities. This combination produced a large, unwieldy
   language with twists and nuances that can trap the unwary
   programmer. Nevertheless, PL/I was quite comprehensive, and it
   served as the basis for uncounted numbers of application programs 
   on large systems. One noted use of PL/I was in the 
   implementation of the Multics operating system at MIT under 
   Project MAC. 
   In 1976, an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) committee
   produced a standard language definition for PL/I. The standard is 
   an implementation guide for compiler writers, and it precisely 
   defines the form and function of each PL/I statement. Aware that 
   PL/I was too large and complicated, the committee produced a 
   smaller version for minicomputers, called Subset G. This new 
   language excluded the redundancies and pitfalls of full PL/I but 
   retained the useful application programming features. Recently 
   approved by ANSI, Subset G has given new life to PL/I, with 
   manufacturer support for the Data General Eclipse and MV/8000 
   computers, Prime computers, Wang machines, and DEC's popular VAX 
   Strangely, the refinements found in application languages follow
   those of hardware and operating systems. Large, cumbersome 
   languages have been rejected in favor of simple, Spartan 
   programming systems that are consistent in their design. The 
   resulting languages are easier to implement, simpler to 
   comprehend, and allow straightforward program composition.
   <PL/M: The Base for CP/M>
   In 1972, MAA (Microcomputer Applications Associates), the
   predecessor of Digital Research, consulted with the small, aspiring
   microprocessor division of a semiconductor memory company called
   Intel Corporation. MAA defined and implemented a new
   systems-programming language, called PL/M (Programming Language for
   Microcomputers), to replace assembly-language programming for
   Intel's 8-bit microprocessor. PL/M is a refinement of the XPL
   compiler-writing language which is, in turn, a language with
   elements from Burroughs Corporation's ALGOL and the full set of
   The first substantial program written by MAA using PL/M was a
   paper-tape editor for the 8008 microprocessor, which later became
   the CP/M program editor, called ED. PL/M is a commercial success 
   for Intel Corporation and, although licensing policies have 
   limited its general accessibility, it has become the standard 
   language of the Intel microprocessor world, with implementations 
   for the 8080, 8085, and 8086 families.
   MAA also proposed a companion operating system, called CP/M
   (Control Program for Microcomputers), which would form the basis 
   for resident PL/M programming. The need for CP/M was obvious; 
   8080-based computers with 16 K bytes of main memory could be 
   combined with Shugart's new (at that time) floppydisk drives to 
   serve as development systems. For the first time, it was 
   feasible to dedicate a reasonably powerful computer to the 
   support of a single engineer.
   But the use of PL/M on larger timesharing computers was considered
   sufficient, and the CP/M idea was rejected.
   <The CP/M Family>
   CP/M was, however, completed by MAA in 1974. It included a
   singleuser file system designed to eliminate data loss in all but
   the most unlikely situations, and used recoverable directory
   information to determine storage allocation rather than a
   traditional linked-list organization. The simplicity and 
   reliability of the file system was an important key to the 
   success of CP/M: file access to relatively slow floppy disks was 
   immediate, and disks could be changed without losing files or 
   mixing data records. And because CP/M is a Spartan system, 
   today's increased storage-media transfer rates simply improve 
   overall response. The refinements found in CP/M are based on its 
   simplicity, reliability, and a proper match with limited-
   resource computers. 
   By the mid-1970s, CP/M added a new philosophy to operating system
   design. CP/M had been implemented on several computer systems, each
   having a different hardware interface. To accommodate these varying
   hardware environments, CP/M was decomposed into two parts: the
   invariant disk operating system written in PL/M, and a small 
   variant portion written in assembly language. This separation 
   allowed computer suppliers and end users to adapt their own 
   physical I/O drivers to the standard CP/M product.
   Hard-disk technology added yet another factor. CP/M customers
   required support for disk drives ranging from single 5-inch floppy
   disks to high-capacity Winchester disk drives. In response, CP/M 
   was totally redesigned in 1979 to become tabledriven. All disk-
   dependent parameters were moved from the invariant disk 
   operating system to tables in the variant portion, to be filled 
   in by the system implementer.
   CP/M is now a multifunction program whose exact operation is
   defined externally through tables and I/O subroutines. The
   widespread use of CP/M is directly attributed to this generality:
   CP/M becomes a specialpurpose operating system when it is
   field-programmed to match an operating environment. Through the
   efforts of system implementers who provide this field-programming,
   CP/M is used worldwide in close to 200,000 installations with over
   3000 different hardware configurations.
   As single-user CP/M became widely accepted, Digital Research began
   to develop a new operating system for real-time processing. The
   design called for a real-time nucleus to support cooperating
   sequential processes, including a CP/M-compatible file manager with
   terminal-handling capabilities. This operating system, called MP/M
   (Multiprogrammtng Monitor for Microcomputers), is a further
   refinement of the process model found in Intel's RMX and National's
   Starplex. As a side effect, the combination of MP/M's real-time
   nucleus with the terminal handler and the CP/M file system produces
   a traditional timesharing system with multiprogramming and
   multiterminal features.
   Timesharing allows programs to execute in increments of processor
   time in a "lock-step" fashion. In a timesharing context, a printer
   program, often called a spooler, might have the task of printing a
   series of disk files which result from program output. The spooler
   starts with a disk-file name and, by using increments of processor
   time allocated by the real-time nucleus, writes each line from the
   file to the printer. Upon completion, the spooler obtains another
   disk-file name and repeats the process. You can, for example, send
   the name of a disk file to the spooler and, while the file is being
   printed, edit another file in preparation for compilation. The
   spooler and editor share processor time to complete their 
   respective tasks. In general, many such processes share 
   processor time and system resources.
   MP/M process communication is performed through queues (or waiting
   lines) managed by the nucleus. The spooler, for example, reads file
   names from an input queue posted by another process (which reads
   spooler command lines from the console). When the spooler is busy
   printing a file, additional file names may enter the input queue in
   a first-in first-out order.
   Process synchronization through queuing mechanisms is commonplace,
   but MP/M treats queues in a unique manner, simplifying their use 
   and decreasing queue management overhead. Queues are treated as 
   files:  they are named symbolically so that a queue can be added
   dynamically. Like files, queues have queue control blocks that are
   created, opened, deleted, written, and read. In fact, the set of
   queue operations closely matches the file functions of CP/M so that
   MP/M provides a familiar programming environment.
   The implementation of queues is transparent to an operator or
   system programmer, but it is important to MP/M's effective 
   operation on limited-resource computers. Queues are implemented 
   through three different data structures, depending upon the 
   message length.
   So-called "counting semaphores" count the occurrence of an event
   with message length zero, and are implemented as 16-bit tallies.
   Single-byte messages are processed using a circular buffer.
   Similarly, queues containing addresses are processed using circular
   buffers. In all other cases, MP/M uses a general linked list, which
   requires additional space and processing time. It is this
   sensitivity to the capabilities of limited -resource computers that
   makes MP/M effective: while realtime operating systems often incur
   25 to 40% overhead, MP/M has been streamlined to increase available
   compute time by 7% over single-user CP/M.
   Like CP/M, MP/M is separated into variant and invariant portions.
   The file-system interface is identical to that of CP/M, with the
   addition of user-defined functions to handle nonCP/M operations
   (such as control of the real-time clock). Field-reconfiguration of
   MP/M allows a variety of device protocols including CP/Mstyle
   busy-wait loops, polled devices, and interrupt-driven peripherals.
   In fact, the variety of interface possibilities makes the MP/M
   implementer a true system-software designer, since a fine-tuned 
   MP/M system may operate considerably faster than its initial
   What are the refinements found in MP/M? First, it is a
   state-of-the-art operating system based on current
   process-synchronization technology and microprocessor real-time
   system design philosophies. Process communication is conceptually
   simple and requires minimal overhead. Finally, it is the only
   operating system of its type that can be fieldtailored to match
   almost any computer configuration.
   CP/NET, introduced in late 1980, leads a series of network-oriented
   operating systems that distribute operating system functions
   throughout a network of nonhomogeneous processors. CP/NET connects
   CP/M requesters to MP/M servers through the use of an arbitrary
   network protocol. Similar to CP/M and MP/M, CP/NET consists of the
   invariant portion, along with a set of field-reconfigurable
   subroutines that define the interface to a particular network. For
   purposes of CP/NET, this interface need only provide point-to-point
   data-packet transmission. Since the actual data transmission media
   are unimportant to CP/NET, any one of the number of standard
   protocols can be used, from low-speed RS-232C through high-speed
   Ethernet. Physical connections are also arbitrary, allowing active
   hub-star, ring, and common-bus architectures.
   The invariant portions of CP/NET operate under a standard CP/M
   system to direct various system calls over the network to an MP/M
   server. The MP/M server, in turn, responds to network requests by
   simulating the actions of CP/M. This simulation is transparent to 
   an application program: any program operating under standard 
   CP/M operates properly in the network environment.
   Suppose, for example, you wish to store common business letters in
   a central data base under MP/M and access these letters from a
   CP/Mbased word processor. You begin by assigning one local disk
   drive to the MP/M master, using the CP/NET interface. You then
   direct your word processing system to read the particular letter on
   the assigned drive, causing the data to be obtained from the server
   rather than from the local disk. After local update using your word
   processor, you can print the result on your local printer or
   optionally assign your listing device to the network for printing 
   at the MP/M server.
   CP/NET is accompanied by three related network operating systems:
   CP/NOS, MP/NET, and MP/NOS. CP/NOS is, in effect, a diskless CP/M,
   which can be stored in readonly memory, and that operates with a
   console, memory, and network interface. MP/NET, on the other hand,
   is a complete MP/M system with an embedded network interface that,
   like CP/NET, allows local devices to be reassigned to the network.
   MP/NET configurations allow MP/M systems as both requesters and
   servers with CP/M requesters. Finally, MP/NOS contains the realtime
   portion of MP/M without local disk facilities. Like CP/NOS, MP/NOS
   performs all disk functions through the network.
   The interface protocol is publicly defined so that non-MP/M or
   nonCP/M systems can participate in network interactions. A server
   interface for the VAX 11/780, for example, is under preparation so
   that it can perform I/O functions for a large number of MP/M and
   CP/M requesters.
   The principal advantage of CP/NET is that all CP/M-compatible
   software becomes immediately available for operation in the network
   environment, solving the problem that builders of network hardware
   face: the total absence of application software. Although the
   promise is there, networking is in its infancy, and CP/NET is truly
   a software package awaiting the evolution of suitable hardware.
   <PL/I: The Application Language>
   In 1978, Digital Research investigated the final level of software
   support: application languages. One such language was to be
   supported throughout the operating system product line, and the
   choice would have to be a multipurpose language. Further, the
   language would have to be an international standard to promote the
   generation of software by independent vendors. Standard Pascal
   seemed a logical choice but was rejected for several reasons. 
   First, Pascal is an ALGOL derivative with scientific 
   Commercial facilities in the standard language are absent: decimal
   arithmetic, file processing, string operations, and errorexception
   handling were essential. Further, separate compilation and
   initialization of tables were not in the language. There was a
   temptation to extend Pascal in order to include these features, but
   these extensions would have defezated the benefits of
   PL/I Subset G was the obvious choice. It satisfied scientific and
   commercial needs and, because of subset restrictions, was 
   consistent and easy to use. The project was a bit daring, 
   however, because Subset G was unknown in the computer community. 
   PL/I was viewed as a large IBMoriented language with huge, 
   inefficient compilers that required tremendous runtime support.
   The Digital Research implementation of Subset G was started in
   mid-1978 and completed two years later. The compiler is a three-
   pass system written in PL/M. The first two passes are machine 
   independent and produce symbol tables and intermediate language 
   suitable for any target machine. The third pass is largely 
   machine dependent and is dedicated to code optimization and 
   final machine-code production.
   The compiler is accompanied by a linkage editor (compatible with 
   the Microsoft format), a program librarian, a set of runtime
   subroutines, and a relocating macro assembler.
   Thus, PL/I completes the final level of the inverted pyramid of
   support tools. The message should be clear to the application
   programmer: it is not the system language or the operating system
   which is important in the production of a final application. 
   Rather, it is the availability of a standard, widely accepted 
   application language that can provide program longevity. Once 
   expressed in PL/I Subset G, the program can be transported 
   through the CP/M family of operating systems to a variety of 
   minicomputer systems. Digital Research has a long-term 
   commitment to PL/I support for popular operating systems and 
   <New Processor Architectures>
   We've spent little time discussing processor refinements. What is
   happening to our software tools as we augment our 8-bit machines
   with the more powerful 16-bit processors? Will 16-bit processors
   replace 8-bit machines, or are they simply a temporary phenomenon 
   in the transition to 32-bit machines?
   There are several considerations when answering these questions.
   First, 8-bit machines are economical to produce, their software
   systems are mature, and they satisfy the needs of a substantial
   computer base. Therefore, we can safely assume that 8-bit machines
   are here to stay. Newer 16-bit machines are marginally faster, but
   they have substantially more address space. To use this additional
   address space, the computer must contain more memory, which
   increases the computer system cost.
   As system costs increase, the margin between low-end minicomputers
   and high-end microcomputers diminishes, placing microcomputer
   hardware and software manufacturers such as ourselves in direct
   competition with major minicomputer manufacturers. The 16-bit
   machines, by their nature, introduce memory segmentation problems
   that are not present in 32-bit processors.
   Finally, we should note that 16-bit minicomputers are already
   outmoded, and all serious manufacturers are pushing 32-bit 
   This leads to the following conclusion: if we are tracking the
   minicomputer world, we can assume that the future will be with the
   32-bit processors.
   Currently, however, 32-bit machines are not available in quantity.
   Even when they are available, there will be delays while
   manufacturers tool up for production. At the moment, the 16-bit
   processors offer an intermediate solution. Digital Research has
   provided initial support for Intel's 16-bit machines-iAPX-186 and
   iAPX-286-which are versions of its 8086 product line. Intel 
   provided PL/M-86, rehosted from the 8080 line, which was used by 
   Digital Research to generate CP/M-86 and MP/M-86. In both cases, 
   the fundamental design remains basically the same as that of the 
   8-bit version, with the addition of memory management and 
   enhancements to the file system that match new computing 
   resources. A familiar program environment is retained so that 
   program conversion is simplified.
   CP/NET and related network software will be available sometime this
   year. Intel's 8087 (an arithmetic coprocessor for the 8086) is of
   particular interest since it directly supports binary and decimal
   operations, which substantially increase PL/M-86 execution speed.
   In addition to the 8086, the CP/M family will be adapted to the
   16-bit machines that prove popular, with special interest in the
   32-bit architectures as they become available. During this
   development and rehosting, however, the 8-bit processors will
   continue to be supported with new tools and facilities, since this
   constitutes, without doubt, our best customer base for some time to
   <Software Vendors>
   We've concerned ourselves with three levels of software tools that
   support the most important level: the application programs. A major
   reason for CP/M's popularity is the general availability of good
   application software. At last count, there were about 500
   commercially available CP/Mcompatible software products.
   Through the combined efforts of CP/M distributors, independent
   vendors, and CP/M users, we are participating in a software
   commodity market with quality and variety that is unequaled by any
   minicomputer or mainframe manufacturer. The large CP/M customer 
   base allows a vendor to produce and support a software package 
   at low end-user cost. This increases the customer base, drawing 
   more vendors with lowercost good-quality products. This cyclic 
   effect is, today, solving the "software crunch."
   The tools are available, and it is the responsibility of
   independent software vendors to continue developing their own
   specialized markets. In this way, computer software technology will
   reach virtually all application areas where low-cost, reliable
   computing is required. Refinements? My friend, they're up to you.
   <The Emergence of Software as a Problem-Solving Tool>
   Microprocessors are a natural consequence of our technology. I
   recently visited the British Science Museum, where two particularly
   interesting historical developments were on display. The first
   exhibit chronicled the development of the finely machined iron and
   brass steam engines, complete with magnificent gauges, gears,
   whistles, and valves, that founded the Industrial Revolution.
   The second exhibit displayed progress in computing, beginning with
   Charles Babbage's inventions of the early 1800s. What did these
   exhibits have in common? They showed machines built with the same
   technology: Babbage's analytic engine might easily be mistaken for 
   a small steam engine!
   I followed the sequence of displays, from Babbage's difference and
   analytic engines to great brass calculators and early punch cards,
   past relay and vacuum tube processors to unit record equipment, 
   then to transistor and randomlogic computers and semiconductors 
   and, finally, to a single Intel 8080 microprocessor.
   Examined in this way, the technological momentum was obvious.
   Microprocessors are a direct result of our pattern of refinement
   through engineering. Just as a Boeing 727 is a refined version of
   the original Wright Brothers' invention, the microprocessor is a
   consequence of "fine tuning" by scientists and engineers who strive
   to understand, simplify, and add function to mankind's tools. There
   were several conspicuous spaces waiting to be filled following the
   8080 display.
   In public television's "Connections" series, James Burke claimed
   that we are a society filled with machines that do everything: sew
   materials for our clothes, carry us from coast to coast, and print
   millions of news papers daily. But the most important machines in
   our society do absolutely nothing by themselves. These
   multifunctional devices provide a variety of services depending 
   upon our needs, and herein lies the essential advantage: in the 
   past, we identified a need and built a machine to satisfy that 
   need; today, technology provides us with a single machine that 
   we can instruct, through a program, to solve almost any problem. 
   Where are the "Thomas Edisons" who used to build machines? Most 
   are now inventing programs.
   The evolution of our electronics industry typifies refinement
   through engineering. Beginning with electrical and electronic
   switches, we began manufacturing general-purpose function chips: 
   put a value x on the input pins, define the function f by 
   setting voltage levels on a second set of pins, and the result, 
   E(x), magically appears on the output pins. Many examples of such
   integrated circuits exist, ranging ftom threestate logic gates to
   arithmetic/logic units.
   With the introduction of microprocessors, the function <f> may be
   defined through instructions in a read-only memory allowing, in
   principle, the implementation of any function using a single 
   A design that once required connecting resistors, capacitors, and
   logic gates has developed into a program that instructs a
   multipurpose machine to perform the same function. Controlling a
   stoplight and balancing a checkbook are now equivalent problems:
   both require the invention of a program.
   Refinement through engineering: does this not also apply to
   software? To properly frame the answer, remember that the primary
   purpose of a computer is to be useful. Therefore, the application
   program is really the only important result of a 
   softwareengineering activity. Our primary goal in refining 
   software tools is to provide the means for rapid and accurate 
   generation of simple, understandable, and effective application 
   programs. We do this through three levels of software support: 
   system languages, operating systems, and application languages. 
   These tools form an inverted pyramid underlying application 
   <System Languages>
   A system language is a highlevel machine-dependent programming
   language used to implement so-called "system software," including
   operating systems, text editors, debuggers, interpreters, and
   compilers. In the early days of computing, virtually all system
   software was implemented in assembly language. One revolutionary
   machine, the Burroughs B5500, used a variant of ALGOL-60 as its 
   only systempro gramming tool and appeared in the early 1960s. 
   The machine was a commercial success against the other major 
   mainframes, proving that assemblers were no longer necessary. 
   Many successful system languages followed Burroughs' ALGOL, 
   including the C language, produced at Bell Laboratories in the 
   late 1960s, which served as the basis for the UNIX operating 
   A system language, by definition, matches the architecture of a
   particular machine or class of machines; all facilities of the
   machine are accessible in the language, and the language contains 
   no nontrivial extensions beyond the basic machine capabilities. 
   The benefit is that a compiler for the system language is easy to
   implement and transport from machine to machine, as long as the
   architecture of each machine is similar. Further, a system language
   requires little runtime support since application facilities, such
   as extensive I/O (input/output) processing, are not generally
   embodied in the language.
   Refinements in system languages are made by increasing their
   usability. Their acceptance as replacements for assembly languages
   is encouraging. Today, one can publicly admit that system software
   is implemented in a high-level language without implying that it
   must be rewritten in assembly language to be effective.
   <June 1981>
   Dr Gary Kildall, Digital Research, FOB 579, 801 Lighthouse Ave,
   Pacific Grove CA 93950

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