Mail Archives: opendos/2000/11/03/02:34:32

To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 23:17:35 -0800
Subject: RE: FDISK
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From: Robert W Moss <domanspc AT juno DOT com>
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

After the fdisk program there comes :

Master Boot Record (Partition Table) 
Offset         Length     Description 
Partition Table Entry #1 
1BEh 446   1 byte       Boot Indicator Byte (80h = Active, else 00h)     
1BFh 447   1 byte       Starting Head (or Side) of Partition             
1C0h 448   16 bits       Starting Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits) 

1C2h 450   1 byte        System Indicator Byte (see table)               
1C3h 451   1 byte        Ending Head (or Side) of Partition              
1C4h 452   16 bits       Ending Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits)   
1C6h 454   1 dword    Relative Sector Offset of Partition                
1CAh 458   1 dword    Total Number of Sectors in Partition               

Partition Table Entry #2
1CEh 462   1 byte       Boot Indicator Byte (80h = Active, else 00h)     
1CFh 463   1 byte       Starting Head (or Side) of Partition             
1D0h 464   16 bits       Starting Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits) 

1D3h 466   1 byte        System Indicator Byte (see table)               
1D3h 467   1 byte        Ending Head (or Side) of Partition              
1D4h 468   16 bits       Ending Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits)   
1D6h 470   1 dword    Relative Sector Offset of Partition                
1DAh 474   1 dword    Total Number of Sectors in Partition               
Partition Table Entry #3
1DEh 478   1 byte       Boot Indicator Byte (80h = Active, else 00h)     
1DFh 479   1 byte       Starting Head (or Side) of Partition             
1E0h 480   16 bits       Starting Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits) 

1E2h 482   1 byte        System Indicator Byte (see table)               
1E3h 483   1 byte        Ending Head (or Side) of Partition              
1E4h 484   16 bits       Ending Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits)   
1E6h 486   1 dword    Relative Sector Offset of Partition                
1EAh 490   1 dword    Total Number of Sectors in Partition               

Partition Table Entry #4
1EEh 494   1 byte       Boot Indicator Byte (80h = Active, else 00h)     
1EFh 495   1 byte       Starting Head (or Side) of Partition             
1F0h 496   16 bits       Starting Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits) 

1F2h 498   1 byte        System Indicator Byte (see table)               
1F3h 499   1 byte        Ending Head (or Side) of Partition              
1F4h 500   16 bits       Ending Cylinder (10 bits) and Sector (6 bits)   
1F6h 502   1 dword    Relative Sector Offset of Partition                
1FAh 506   1 dword    Total Number of Sectors in Partition               

Partition Table System Indicator Byte Values 
Value     Description 
00h		No partition allocated in this entry 
01h		Primary DOS, 12-bit FAT (Partitions < 16M)  
04h		Primary DOS, 16-bit FAT (16M <= Partition <= 32M)  
05h		Extended DOS (Points to next Primary Partition)  
06h		Peimary DOS, 16-bit FAT (Partition > 32M)  
07h		OS/2  HPFS Partition  
02h		MS-XENIX root Partition  
03h		MS-XENIX user Partition  
08h		AIX File System Partition  
09h		AIX Boot Partition  
50h		Ontrack Disk Manager READ-ONLY Partition  
51h		Ontrack Disk Manager READ-WRITE Partition  
56h		Golden Bow Vfeature Partition  
61h		Storage Dimensions Speedstor Partition  
63h		IBM 386/ix or UNIX System V/386 Partition  
64h		Novell Netware Partition  
75h		IBM PCIX Partion  
DBh		Digital Research Concurrent DOS/CPM-86 Partition  
F2h		Some OEM's DOS 3.2+ second partition  
FFh		UNIX Bad Block Table Partition  

1FEh 510         2 bytes             Boot Sector Signature (55AAh)  
A WORD equals two bytes which are read in reverse order, 
and a DWORD equals two WORDS that are read in reverse order.

DOS Volume Boot Sector (DVB) Format  
Offset                 Field 
Hex        Dec     Length          Description  
00h	   0	    3 bytes	Jump Instruction to boot Program Code  
03h	   3	    8 bytes	OEM Name and DOS Version ("IBM 5.0")  
0Bh	   11	    1 word       Bytes/Sector (usually 512)  
0Dh	   13	    1 byte	Sectors/Cluster (must be a power of 2)  
0Eh	   14	    1 word	Reserved Sectors (Boot Sectors, usually 1)  
10h	   16	    1 byte	FAT Copies (usually 2)  
11h	   17	    1 word	Maximum Root Direcory Entries (usually 512)  
13h	   19	    1 word	Total Sectors (If Partition <= 32M, else 0)  
15h	   21	    1 byte	Media Descriptor Byte (F8h for hard disks) 
16h	   22	    1 word	Sectors/FAT 
18h	   24	    1 word	Sectors/Track 
1Ah	   26	    1 word	Number of Herads  
1Ch	   28	    1 dword	Hidden Sectors (If Partition <= 32M, 1 word only)  

DOS  4.0 or Higher only (Others 00h)  
20h	   32	    1dword	Total Sectors (If Partition > 32M, else 0)  
24h	   36	    1 byte	Physical Drive No. (00h=floppy, 80h=hard disk)  
25h        37	    1 byte	Reserved  (00h)  
26h	   38	    1 byte	Extended Boot Record Signature (29h)  
                             (Another signature someone was looking for ,
27h	   39	    1 dword	Volume Serial Number (32-bit random number)  
2Bh	   43	    11 bytes	Volume Label ("NO NAME" stored if no label)  
36h	   54	    8 bytes	File System ID ("FAT12" OR "fat16")	

All Versions of DOS 
3Eh	   62	    450 bytes	    Boot Program Code  
1FEh	   510	    2 bytes	    Signature Bytes (55AAh)  

I hope none of you old timers is bored yet.  
All of this H&P entry is killing my back and wrists. 
I guess I am getting old, and I wonder how  I used to do 
touch typing for eight hours a day in the AF 30 years ago, 
although my wrists are starting to remember.  

Trivia question:  

What was the first do something program run on an Altair 8080, 
(SN #003), and  what was the name of the score and the encore? 

How was it accomplished?
BONUS POINTS:  Where and when did it happen?  
                                   Who was the perpetrator?

BOB 'DOMAN' MOSS "Chocolate is a vitamin"  

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