Mail Archives: opendos/2000/10/30/23:00:03

Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 23:02:21 -0800
From: Val or Dean <dtwo AT sympatico DOT ca>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.74 [en] (Win95; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Public Buying (was: Re: DRDOS FDISK)
References: <Pine DOT LNX DOT 4 DOT 10 DOT 10010282011420 DOT 20914-100000 AT smarty DOT smart DOT net> <00bd01c04204$c6fd8620$6f1e0404 AT dbcooper> <39FCFFD0 DOT 1B538BF2 AT sympatico DOT ca> <010601c042dc$ba817ae0$3d1e0404 AT dbcooper>
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

Patrick Moran wrote:
 I am looking at one of my
> wholesale catalogs and found a ZOOM model 56Kx 56k V.90 K56flex ISA
> w/channel 2 call waiting support, voice mail (requires sound card) Flash
> memory, Linux and NTcompatible. It says it is a PNP modem, but NT uses
> legacy devices. Linux also uses legacy devices but does have PNP capability
> if you install the software for it. So this is PROBABLY one of those that
> can be used as either a PNP or legacy device. It comes in both internal and
> external versions. I can check around a little and see what is available.

     Sorry, but "probably" just don't cut the mustard for me anymore.
I'm tired of "pseudo-compatible" hardware. Works in DOS?? YES or NO.
Period. No, if's ands or bytes<BG> Reminds me of an old George Carlin
routine about "flammability"  He was confused by "flammable,
nonflammable, and non-inflammable"
He just wanted to know: Either it FLAMS or it DOESN'T FLAM!! <hehe>
  Seriously, I really wish the modem manufacturers would either <blank>
or get off the pot with DOS compatibility.  On one hand they offer,
hardware settings, and then they turn around and limit the hardware to
access only by Windows software.  Just one big headache for me.  All I
want is an ISA INTERNAL 56K hardware modem. No WIN No fancy crap. But,
as usual, I guess I am in the minority. -Dean

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