Mail Archives: opendos/2000/09/15/05:35:35

Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 8:28:18 GMT
From: aven AT ukgateway DOT net (Alex Venn)
Organization: Computer Peasant
Message-ID: <2000915.12819ba$>
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: NWCache limits
X-Mailer: OLIM 1.39
Lines: 18
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

I've recently had an unexpected problem reported to me (because I 
recommended DRDOS 7.03) with NWCache. This person is perfectly happy 
with DRDOS except for one thing - apparently NWCache refuses to
delayed-write cache all of her logical drives even when a drive is 
specifically "forced". It looks as if only the first eight are being
delayed-write cached if the status display is to be believed.
Smartdrv has no problems with her sixteen logical drives apart from it's
rather pedestrian performance (with an app specifically optimized for
speed with NWCache).

Is there a problem with NWCache and delayed-write caching a large number 
of logical drives ?

   ____________________________    _______________________________
  (    Alex Venn               )  (   Success has many fathers,   )  
 (_)   aven AT ukgateway DOT net     (____)  but failure is an orphan.  (_)

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