Mail Archives: opendos/2000/08/06/23:00:29
You Can Get The Money You Need...
To Start Your Home Business...
To Consolidate Your Debt...
To Go To college...
To Start Your Home Business...
Almost ANY Worthwhile Reason...
Foundations all over the United States GIVE away Millions of
Dollars of CASH GRANTS every year.
They must give this MONEY away, in order to maintain their tax
free status.
Who Can Apply?
ANYONE can apply for a Grant from 18 years old and up!
We Can Help!
We will show you HOW & WHERE to get Grants.
This MONEY has to be given away, WHY not to YOU?
Grants from $500.00 to $50,000.00 are possible!
GRANTS don't have to be paid back!
Grants can be ideal for people who are or were bankrupt or just
have bad credit.
Interested, Please Visit Our Website Below And Place Your Order!
The Good News!
DON'T pay $79.00 to $129.00 for this information and list.
We Will Show You How To Apply For Your Grants, Where To Apply,
And Exactly What To Say. We Help You Do It All For Just $34.95.
If You Pay With Credit Card, All Information Will Be Sent To
Your Email Address Within 24 to 48 Hours!
We Gladly Accept Credit Cards & Checks Via Web and Postal Mail:
American Express
Master Card
Don't Delay, This Is A Limited Time Offer At This Amazing Low Price!
Get That Grant Now, Before College Rush Time Comes!
Interested, Please Visit Our Website Below And Place Your Order!
To Order by postal mail, please send $34.95 Plus $4.00 S & H.
Make payable to Grant Gold 2000.
Grant Gold 2000
4132 Pompton Ct.
Dayton, Ohio 45405
If you would like to order via Fax, please include your credit
card number, expiration date, and your email address.
OUR 24 HOUR FAX NUMBER: (775) 414-7455
Important Credit Card Information! Please Read Below!
* Credit Card Address, City, State and Zip Code, must match
billing address to be processed.
CHECK____ MONEYORDER____ VISA____ MASTERCARD____ AmericanExpress___ Debt Card___
(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)
(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)
City,State,Zip(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)
(Credit Card Number)
Expiration Month_____ Year_____
Email Address (Please Write Neat)
Authorized Signature
Due To Much Misuse of Customers Copying The Information, Then Requesting A
Refund, All sales final on reports. You cannot receive a refund from Grant
Gold 2000 for the report, nor will you receive a refund by requesting a
"chargeback" from your Credit Card Company. All Reports Will Be Shipped
Via Certified or Registered Postal Mail. If you should receive a destroyed
copy due to shipping, we will replace it at no extra charge.
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