Mail Archives: opendos/2000/05/22/11:57:10

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Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 08:54:27 -0700
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
From: Michelle Klein-Hass <mhass703 AT 2cowherd DOT net>
Subject: Re: OpenDos restrictions (was: Re: change in mailing lists)
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Errors-To: nobody AT delorie DOT com
X-Mailing-List: opendos AT delorie DOT com
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>>On 2000-05-21 opendos AT delorie DOT com said to bmarcum AT iglou DOT com
>>   >Hi,
>>   >> I see no problem with that plan.
>>   >>You could not of coarse include DR-OpenDos in the package you sell.
>>   >>But, you *could* provide your customers with the D/L site address.
>>   >>(at no charge)
>>   >In my strict interpretation, of "personal use", this cannot be done.
>>   >My customer is running a business, so _he_ would be using
>>   >it for comercial pourposes.
>>   >Your interpretation would be ok without any doubts, if my customer
>>   >were people using it for themselves.
>>   >Alain
>>Last I heard, commercial users could use DR-DOS free for 90 days for
>>evaluation, and the cost to buy it was only $29.95.
>Some of my customers are using registered copies of DR-DOS 7.03.
>It is really a good option, specially when planning to use Personal Netware
>which is included. Even if the price here in Brazil is US$50.

I bought my copy of DR-DOS 7.03 and I'm glad I did.

$30 is not too much to ask for an operating system, and after all, the
settlement of the Caldera lawsuit against Microsoft may very well have
contributed to the ability of the DOJ to nail M$ in the anti-trust lawsuit.

It's good to have a nice, pressed CD of the OS that I can strike floppies from.


Michelle Klein-Hass -- "That's Ms. Geek to you!"
mhass703 AT flashcom DOT net -- mhass703 AT 2cowherd DOT net -- bosslady AT msgeek DOT com
When a Windows PC says "I love you," you know it MEANS it. Go Linux/FreeBSD!

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