Mail Archives: opendos/1999/08/28/21:13:51

Message-Id: <>
From: "Glenn McCorkle" <glennmcc AT cisnet DOT com>
Organization: Arachne Fan Club
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 17:46:18 -0400
X-Mailer: Arachne V1.50;s.r.c.
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: How to change mailing list subscription to new account?
MIME-Version: 1.0
Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

On Sat, 28 Aug 1999 02:41:23 -0400 (EDT), jls11 AT po DOT cwru DOT edu (John L. Spetz) wrote:

> I forget exactly how to request subscription changes.  I need
> to switch to my new e-mail address as the old service will be
> shut down soon.  Thanks in advance for any pointers.

> jls11 AT po DOT CWRU DOT Edu (John L. Spetz)
> johanns AT nacs DOT net

 You'll need to unsubscribe the old address
and then resubscribe the new one.

Send these 3 lines to listserv AT delorie DOT com

unsubscribe old_address
subscribe new_address

(the "end" command will prevent your signature lines from being treated
as if they were commands)

Glenn McCorkle mailto:glennmcc AT cisnet DOT com
North Jackson, Ohio, USA
            Arachne, The Web Browser for DOS
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