Mail Archives: opendos/1998/12/12/05:48:55

Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 05:47:22 -0800
From: Richard Kanarek <rkanarek AT sprintmail DOT com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.04Gold (Win16; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: opendos-support AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Why does my OpenDOS floppy contain MSDOS 7?
References: <84833BA0061 AT reze-1 DOT rz DOT rwth-aachen DOT de>
Reply-To: opendos-support AT delorie DOT com

Dear Mr. Paul:


> On Tue, 08 Dec 1998 Richard Kanarek wrote:
> > When I attempted to FDISK my HD, I was surprised to receive an
> > "incorrect version" message from FDISK. A little investigating
> > turned up:
> > [...]
> You probably have mixed upo the files. The DR-DOS FDISK obviously
> does not contain any Microsoft copyright strings... ;-)
> In general, please have a look at the PATH setting in your
> environment, maybe it just points to the MSDOS directory. Try to
> run the DR-DOS FDISK by giving the full path to the files.

Quite plausable but how do you explain this:
Directory of my write-protected since purchased OpenDOS 7.01 disk:
--a---      15,252   7-11-95   9:50a  a:attrib.exe
--a---         233   3-26-97   6:36p  a:autoexec.bak
--a---         237   3-26-97   6:59p  a:autoexec.bat
--a---      27,248   7-11-95   9:50a  a:chkdsk.exe
--a---      55,365   3-03-97   7:01a
--a---         189   3-26-97   6:50p  a:config.bak
--a---         190   3-26-97   6:59p  a:config.sys
--a---      14,336   3-03-97   7:01a  a:country.sys
--a---      20,522   7-11-95   9:50a  a:debug.exe
--a---      71,287   7-11-95   9:50a  a:drvspace.bin
rsa-h-           0   3-03-97   5:52p  a:ebd.sys
--a---     103,655   2-27-97   7:01a
--a---      59,128  12-31-95   9:50a  a:fdisk.exe  <-- Observe fdisk.EXE
not .COM!
--a---      40,135  12-31-95   9:50a
--a---      14,573   3-03-97   7:01a  a:himem.sys
rsa-h-      27,880   1-23-97   7:01a
rsa-h-      30,081   1-23-97   7:01a
rsa-h-     223,148   7-11-95   9:50a  a:io.sys
--a---      40,817   3-03-97   7:01a
rsa-h-           9   3-03-97   5:52p  a:msdos.sys  <-- Notice the evil
                                                       style "msdos.sys"
--a---      21,737   3-03-97   7:01a  a:nwcdex.exe
--a---     120,320   7-11-95   9:50a  a:regedit.exe
--a---     134,738  12-31-95   9:50a  a:scandisk.exe
--a---       7,270   7-11-95   9:50a  a:scandisk.ini
--a---      18,202   3-03-97   7:01a  a:setver.exe
--a---      13,239   7-11-95   9:50a   <-- And "" is
wrong too!
--a---      76,496   7-11-95   9:50a  a:uninstal.exe
total files 27   total bytes 1,136,287   disk free space 314,368

Also observe...

Caldera OpenDOS 7.01
Copyright (c) 1976, 1997 Caldera, Inc. 
All rights reserved.

C:\OPENDOS>cd \temp


AX=0000  BX=0000  CX=33B7  DX=0000  SP=FFFC  BP=0000  SI=0000  DI=0000  
DS=84AC  ES=84AC  SS=84AC  CS=84AC  IP=0100   NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC
84AC:0100 B84827        MOV     AX,2748
-d 100,FFFF
84AC:0100  B8 48 27 05 0F 00 B1 04-D3 E8 8C D9 03 C1 8E D8  
84AC:0110  8C 06 26 01 89 26 A6 02-BA 26 02 B4 1A CD 21 E8  
84AC:17E0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 4D 53 2D 44  
84AC:17F0  4F 53 20 56 65 72 73 69-6F 6E 20 37 20 28 43 29   OS Version
7 (C)
84AC:1800  43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68-74 20 31 39 38 31 2D 31   Copyright
84AC:1810  39 39 35 20 4D 69 63 72-6F 73 6F 66 74 20 43 6F   995
Microsoft Co
84AC:1820  72 70 20 4C 69 63 65 6E-73 65 64 20 4D 61 74 65   rp Licensed
84AC:1830  72 69 61 6C 20 2D 20 50-72 6F 70 65 72 74 79 20   rial -
84AC:1840  6F 66 20 4D 69 63 72 6F-73 6F 66 74 20 41 6C 6C   of
Microsoft All
84AC:1850  20 72 69 67 68 74 73 20-72 65 73 65 72 76 65 64    rights
84AC:1860  20 50 53 52 06 57 B8 00-51 CD 21 33 C9 8E C1 33   

Do you have one of the OpenDos 7.01 floppy disks that were included with
the CDROM's? Have you checked it?

BTW, you were right about my being mixed up about COMMAND.COM on the
floppy disk. As I very dimly recall, I believe that I had assumed rather
than verified that COMMAND.COM on the floppy disk was MSDOS 7. It isn't;
it realy is OpenDOS. Sorry about that mistake!

Richard Kanarek

P.S. Happy holidays to all!
P.P.S. Take my advice as someone who had to endure Win95 for almost 5
minutes (give or take): Stick with (real) DOS! <g>

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