Mail Archives: opendos/1998/09/30/17:12:18

Message-Id: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: <ben DOT jemmett AT ukonline DOT co DOT uk>
From: Charles Hallenbeck <2ndsight AT taconic DOT net>
CC: <opendos AT delorie DOT com>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 17:11:39 +0400
X-Mailer: Net-Tamer 1.12 beta
Subject: Re: dr dos and fdisk

On 1998-09-30 ben DOT jemmett AT ukonline DOT co DOT uk said:
   >>Well, there is probably a way to do it in DOS somehow, but the
   >>best way I know is through linux fdisk ... dos based fdisks, for
   >>some reason, won't allow you to create multiple primary partitions
   >>on one harddrive whereas linux fdisk will allow you to create up
   >to four (and yes you will be able to
   >>set them as dos partitions).
   >Partition Magic will let you create four primary DOS partitions -
   >however, it does warn that multiple visible primary partitions can
   >confuse DOSes (and therefore Windows 9x).  It will ask to 'hide'
   >the partition.
   >Linux fdisk can create these because Linux (being the superior OS
   >that it is) will let you use any combination of partitions you want
   >with no fuss.

Actually the opendos fdisk command lets you do that oo. Be sure to run it
with the /x option, and then when you choose to create a partition, you next
choose (create non-dos primary partition," and the final step is to select
FAT16 >32MB from the file system menu. The term "non-DOS primary partition"
is a little misleading, but once you pick it you can then specify DOS
anyway, and you get a second (or third or fourth) DOS primary partition.
Second Sight Software

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