Mail Archives: opendos/1998/09/22/02:07:16

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 5:54:47 GMT
From: fran AT isis DOT demon DOT co DOT uk (Fran Berry)
Organization: DIS(organised)
Reply-To: fran AT isis DOT demon DOT co DOT uk
Message-ID: <>
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Old bug in 7.03 beta
Lines: 19

In article <199809220405 DOT AAA03843 AT indy DOT delorie DOT com> you write:

> I found that the COMMAND.COM from 7.03 beta contains an old good bug:
> HILOAD/BAT conflict. Symptom: The commands HILOAD, LH, LOADHIGH cannot be
> applied to .BAT files if there are free UMBs available. The command
> HILOAD A.BAT causes the message "Batch files nested too deeply" instead
> executing the batch file. This bug is known me also in 7.02 version, I sent
> messages about it to OpenDOS mailing list (opendos AT delorie DOT com) but without
> reactions from OS developers.

Send a bug report to dosbeta AT calderauk DOT com

You *will* get a response. 

   _________________________________    ______
  (    Fran Berry                   )  (      )
 (_)   fran AT isis DOT demon DOT co DOT uk       (____)    (___________  Know Thyself

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