Mail Archives: opendos/1998/04/04/12:28:40

Message-Id: <>
From: "Bjorn Simonsen" <Bjorn DOT Simonsen AT aorg DOT uib DOT no>
To: DOS-DISCUSS AT softcon DOT com
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 19:14:04 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Newcom
CC: opendos AT delorie DOT com

Just some info sharing - about Newcom.exe: Anyone here tried
this free and feature rich commandline enhancer from France?
Well at least the descripton looks promising :), I just failed
to download it yet :(.  Detailed program description can be
found at: 

English version available. Still in beta it seems.  Binary and
(almost complete) source available under GNU GPL, according to
the "Official  Newcom website" at::

According to their download page at: 

author(s) in need of some FTP space due to slow downloads from
current www space, and I tend to agree as downloading it from
this site proved a bit difficult - at least for me - so ...
anyone?  :) Check the above page for info.

Bjorn S.
Bergen Norway

Thanks to Rich Green who pointed me to this one, 
- visit his DOS Freeware site at:

- Raw text -

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