Mail Archives: opendos/1997/09/28/19:19:49

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 7:23:05 GMT
From: Fran Berry <fran AT isis DOT demon DOT co DOT uk>
Organization: DIS(organised)
Reply-To: fran AT isis DOT demon DOT co DOT uk
Message-ID: <>
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: ERR: "Batch file nested too deeply..."
Lines: 17

In article <199709280405 DOT AAA08297 AT delorie DOT com> you write:

>        Has anyone else experienced this bug?  It occurs when I run a doorgame 
> through my bbs or when I load Windows 3.11.  It says "batch file nested too 
> deeply."  The strange thing is that often a batch is not running!  This 
> sometimes locks up the puter, too.

Yup, with 7.02 and it was important enough to me to discard the OS. I 
didn't look at 7.01 since it was a step back from the NWDOS I was then 
using. The bug isn't there in NWDOS. So far as I can see, the batch file 
triggering the message was only nested four deep.

   _________________________________    ______
  (    Fran Berry                   )  (      )
 (_)   fran AT isis DOT demon DOT co DOT uk       (____)    (___________  Know Thyself

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