Mail Archives: opendos/1997/09/23/13:56:22

To: IVIE AT cc DOT usu DOT edu
Cc: opendos AT delorie DOT com
References: <01INZ9LBYEF6BF3ME2 AT cc DOT usu DOT edu>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: International Brownian Movement
From: "-= ArkanoiD =-" <ark AT mpak DOT convey DOT ru>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 97 21:52:26 +0300
Subject: Re: ClosedDos???
Lines: 32
MIME-Version: 1.0


> Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 11:06:55 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Roger Ivie <IVIE AT cc DOT usu DOT edu>
> Subject: Re: ClosedDos???
> To: OPENDOS AT delorie DOT com


> > Hmm.. but look at VMS versions: more C - higher hadrware requirements.
> > V4 used 2Mb RAM,V6 uses 16!
> V1 was 512K. VAX/VMS does not use C in the kernel, even at V7.1; you cannot
> blame C for the increase in VAX/VMS memory requirements.

The system is not just the kernel: i mean what you see when you type
"show memory"..

> > > C doesn't fit everywhere[, but w]ere I writing MS-DOS device drivers,
> > > I would certainly look at doing them in C.
> >
> > I'd better think on low-level language like C-- or PL/M-86
> > BTW is there such thing as PL/M-386?
> I believe there is a PL/M-386, but I can also guess how many vendors
> support it (hint: even Intel doesn't support PL/M anymore).

Oh really? btw i think it does not really matter.
                                       _     _  _  _  _      _  _
   Must be a visit from the dead..     _| o |_ | | _|| |   / _||_|   |_ |_ |_
   CU in Hell ..........  Arkan#iD    |_  o  _||_| _||_| /   _|  | o |_||_||_|

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