Mail Archives: opendos/1997/04/21/15:19:51
On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 02:47:41 -0400 (EDT) "Mike A. Harris"
<mharris AT blackwidow DOT saultc DOT on DOT ca> writes:
>On Sun, 20 Apr 1997, Bruce Morgen wrote:
>> >>After installing with the default configuration (Lite version),
>> >>and rebooting the computer, I get the following message (from my
>> >memory):
>> >>"Bad or missing command interpreter". I get past this by typing:
>> >>"C:\COMMAND.COM". Also, the PATH variable is empty. When I look
>> >>my 4dos directory, 4dos.exe is missing.
>> >
>> >I think you've answered your own question. I assume that you've
>> >installed
>> >4DOS into the CONFIG.SYS such that it gets started up automatically
>> >boot-up (You have SHELL=C:\...\4DOS.COM ... in your CONFIG.SYS).
>> >
>> >Somehow, your 4DOS.COM (It's .COM, not .EXE) has been deleted or
>> >corrupted.
>> "Somehow" my foot, OD's brain-
>> damaged installer did the deed,
>> same thing happened here -- I
>> just replaced C:\4DOS\4DOS.COM
>> from backup and all was well.
>> The previous 4DOS.COM was just
>> deleted, there was no file
>> corruption.
>Relax a bit. Since OD's installer can't know the name of EVERY
>command interpreter known to man, then it would be possible for
>them to detect 4DOS, but not ASSDFSGF.COM as a command
>interpreter. Sure, they could put some more smarts into it to
>handle most situations, I don't disagree, but you have to
>understand what is happening.
>What has happened is that OD *SAVED* your previous DOS setup by
>renaming system files and hiding them. I had this problem when I
>installed OD too. The problem was that OD renamed
>C:\LOADLIN\LOADLIN.EXE to @COMPROC.OD or something like that and
>hid the file. As a result, I was befuddled as to how LOADLIN
>wouldn't work anymore. The problem is that the installer opens
>CONFIG.SYS and scans it for the *FIRST* "SHELL=" line. This is
>*NORMALLY* your command interpreter, and so it backs up that file
>and then goes on to install itself... Unfortunately, with
>multiconfigs in DOS and with tricks like LOADLIN, the installer
>breaks on custom setups.
In my case it failed on two
perfectly ordinary setups,
neither had multiple configs
or more than one "SHELL="
statement. In one case (an
XT-architecture system with
no memory management) it
deleted/hid 4DOS.COM, in
another (a 486 running QEMM
as well as 4DOS) it did the
same to QEMM's LOADHI.COM.
>The solution? CD into your 4DOS/LOADLIN/whatever directory and
>type ATTRIB. You will see a hidden file. Unhide this file and
>rename it to 4DOS.COM/LOADLIN.EXE or whatever. Then edit your
>CONFIG.SYS and change the SHELL= line to whatever you're used to.
>There are other things that you may or may not have to change to
>get 4DOS or other processors working properly under OD, and these
>are covered in the FAQ, and are neither bugs in OD, nor bugs in
I did nothing other than
restoring the missing/hidden/
renamed or whatever files and
(on the QEMM-equipped system)
re-running OPTIMIZE.
>I'm almost positive that a future version of OD will prevent this
>sort of "brain damage" from happening.
Yes, if Caldera is aware of
the installer's rude behavior
I'm sure correcting it is
something short of rocket
science -- the way CONFIG.SYS
is analyzed needs to be a tad
more sophisticated, should be
no big deal to fix.
>> >When it boots, it tries to start up 4DOS, but can't. Hence, the
>> >or
>> >missing command interpreter" message. When you type COMMAND.COM,
>> >are
>> >starting it in place of 4DOS. When you start the command
>> >in this way, it doesn't execute the AUTOEXEC.BAT. Hence, your
>> >PATH. Reinstall 4DOS, and your problem should be solved.
>> >
>> Easier and faster to simply
>> replace the deleted file --
>> you *do* have a recent
>> backup, don't you? :-)
>Or, just rename it as I described above.
Sure, if you've figured out
what and where the renamed
and hidden file is. I've
found no evidence of such
on the XT, have yet to scan
the 486. :-)
>> >Or, if you can't re-install 4DOS, then you should change the
>> >line
>> >in your CONFIG.SYS to read "SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM", which will get
>> >OpenDOS
>> >to start up the command interpreter that actually exists. This
>> >solve your problems, too, if you can stand using COMMAND.COM. ;-)
>> >
>> The only procedures to make
>> a 4DOS user tolerate
>> COMMAND.COM involve harsh
>> controlled substances or
>> lobotomy surgery. :-)
>Or acquiring the COMMAND.COM source code and coding 4DOS features
>into it yourself. I would suspect that by the time that OpenDOS
>7.1 or 8.0 or whatever comes out that COMMAND.COM will not only
>be compiled on a FREE compiler, but also may compile on ANY
>compiler, and also will probably double or triple in size.
>(executable size, not resident size).
Building up COMMAND.COM into
something resembling a free
4DOS would be quite a project,
but a reasonable 4DOS subset
could be implemented without
too much trouble imho -- sort
of like the ZCPR series of
command processor replacements
for CP/M 2.2, which were no
bigger than the original DRI
CCP but much less annoying to
>> >Also, I'd suggest doing a CHKDSK on your C: drive (or was there
>> >Caldera equivalent to MS SCANDISK? Norton's NDD will work, too).
>> >your 4DOS.COM was corrupted somehow, it's possible other files got
>> >corrupted too; corrupted DOS filesystems should be fixed ASAP.
>> >
>> As I said, no file corruption
>> was involved in my experience
>> of this glitch, but running
>> CHKDSK or SCANDISK is almost
>> never a bad move.
>No, I think the problem is no big deal, a lack of foresight on
>the installer's part. No corruption. I even suspected
>corruption at first, but when I figured it out, I ice cream coned
>myself in the forehead. :o)
>Take care. TTYL
Right back atcha, Mike,
thanks for detailing the
renegade installer's
alleged quirk(s).
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