Mail Archives: opendos/1997/03/22/20:15:12
> > > > >If the interface (GUI) is customizable enough, we could even
> > > > >win over the W95/W97 users! As if that would be difficult <g>
> > > >
> > > > Unfortunately, it would be difficult. In my experience, people who
> > > > Win95 either don't know enough to use a better system or are
> > MS
> [snip]
> >
> > We should devise something similair to the Win95 GUI (which _is_ easy
> > learn), but we should make the system MUCH MUCH better!
> Why not make some generic API functions for controlling the screen, and
> load them from the if you wanted it to look like
> Win95, you could tell it to load 'WIN95.DLM' or look like Mac with
> 'MAC.DLM'...kinda like those DRVs that make win31 look like NeXT
> > Then we should document everything (no undocumented shit!!) and we
> > set up tutorials so easy, that even my mother will be able to learn to
> > OD faster than W95.
> A good idea would be use a hypertext format like INFO but modify it to
> allow the use of images/sound..or jsut HTML and compress it to save HD
> space, and have help de-compress as needed
HTML is great!
I've heard Windows 97 will be using it instead of the normal Windows help.
And the driver stuff is also very cool, kinda like X-windows Window
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