Mail Archives: opendos/1997/03/17/13:42:56

From: "Matthias Paul" <MPAUL AT ibh DOT rwth-aachen DOT de>
Organization: IBH, RWTH-Aachen
To: opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 19:27:29 GMT+0100
Subject: Re: [opendos] Wishlist v2.0
Reply-to: Matthias DOT Paul AT post DOT rwth-aachen DOT de
Message-ID: <>
Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net


[64KB limitations]
> Colin W. Glenn wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Mar 1997, Matthias Paul wrote:
> > > On Thu, 13 Mar 1997 21:58:49, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> > > > you ever tried to sort a file > 64k?  SUCKS!!!!!!!!
> > > (Some of these 64KB limitations have been fixed in current
> > > versions of MS-DOS/PC-DOS, either... They learn slowly, but... ;-) )
> > Not here, (still) running 6.3 and sort complains, most annoying 
> > when I use the format:
> > 
> > type filename.ext |sort >filename.ext
> > 
> > It kills my file in the process.

Of course, you should not attempt to overwrite files by itself. 
While some COMMAND.COM implementations might allow for this, 
MS-DOS/PC-DOS COMMAND.COM does not.  Remember that hint in old DOS
handbooks:  Don't copy files to itself, even not when combining 
files.  (However, this worked at least for one out of 4DOS/NDOS or 
Novell DOS/OpenDOS COMMAND.COM, I cannot remember right now.)

In the meantime, I have had a look at my NWDOSTIP.TXT file to check 
out remaining 64KB limitations:

                     FIND > 64KB     MORE > 64KB   SORT > 64KB
 MS-DOS/PC-DOS ?.?     no              no            no         
 MS-DOS 6.2x:          yes             yes           no
 MS-DOS 7              yes             yes           ??
 PC-DOS 6.3            ??              ??            no
 PC-DOS 7              ??              ??            ??
 DR DOS ?.?            ??              ??            ??
 DR DOS 6.0            yes             yes           yes
 Novell DOS 7          yes             yes           yes
 Caldera OpenDOS 7.01  yes             yes           yes

Since I have spoken several times of NWDOSTIP.TXT, I should announce
this formally to this forum:  ;-)

If some of you need details on tons of undocumented Novell DOS/OpenDOS 
features, including *ALL* internals of their powerful CONFIG.SYS 
language (somewhat similar to BASIC) and hundreds of other exiting 
things, you should have a look at my comprehensive MPDOSTIP.ZIP tips &
tricks documentation project, especially the NWDOSTIP.TXT file 
(at present ca. 380 pages to print).  Of course, this is copyrighted 
material, but at present it's still available for free from my web- 
page and other sites.  Reports are very welcome...

Unfortunately, it's written in German language, so some of you might 
have to do a good job in guessing...  

Sorry, it's much too large to translate all of it. :-( 
(Any unemployed translators in the list... ;-) )

Besides, for those of you with a NEC Pinwriter:  

Today, I released NECPINW.CPI 1.06, a new version of my FreeWare
DOS codepage file for the NEC Pinwriter series, preinstalled for 
DR DOS 6.0, Novell DOS 7, and Caldera OpenDOS 7.01.  Should show 
up tomorrow on my web-page...  Reports welcome...

If you know of other unsupported printer families and can provide
info material, please contact me for enhancements...

Have fun,


PS: Some people have corrected me, that Windows 3.1x in it's 
    enhanced 386 mode actually does pre-emptive multitask DOS 
    applics, each in a single virtual DOS machine, while only the 
    Windows applics are scheduled cooperative.  Win95 also should 
    pre-emptive multitask 32bit applics.  
    Fine, but what, if Windows' TASKMAN/PROGMAN crash due to a 
    hanging Windows system???

 Matthias Paul     ! My eMail address has changed. For some time !
 Ubierstrasse 28   ! mails to former <MPaul AT ibh DOT rwth-aachen DOT de>  !
 D-50321 BRUEHL    ! will be forwarded to the new address.       !
 eMail: <Matthias DOT Paul AT post DOT rwth-aachen DOT de>                       
 WWW  : URL:    

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