Mail Archives: opendos/1997/02/28/21:03:20

Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 19:48:09 -0600 (CST)
From: "Colin W. Glenn" <cwg01 AT gnofn DOT org>
To: "'OpenDOS newsgroup'" <opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net>
Subject: Re: [opendos] [OpenDOS] Wishlist part 2
In-Reply-To: <Pine.NXT.3.95.970228190540.8277H-100000@eagle1>
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Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net

On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 jdashiel AT eagle1 DOT eaglenet DOT com wrote:

The only problem being that character are of a type 'char', limit of eight
bits, hence 256 combinations, but because of control characters, limited
to (256-32) 224.  Further limitations needing to be a _single_ key from
the key board, though I would not object to using a 'sticky keys mode',
we're trying to KISS it.

Thinking about all this, we'd have to keep the bashed name within the
directory entry, else you'd write an 8.3 program with the bashed name as a
parameter, then create a name which 'falls' before the one you're using,
and the program crashes because the new name would preempt the bashed name
for the file you were using.

Let's take a for instance:

You use PKZip to update an offline archive with certain files which you
_want_ archived regardless of whether you've modified them or not.  (ok,
so this is wwaayy out on a limb________)

The full name of the response file you use is:

Ok, everything works, your @filelist contains the bashed names of the
files you want updated.

Nother fault, the 'on the fly' name bashing would have to work in reverse
too because Plain PK doesn't understand LFN's, (yet).

You create a new set up, backing up certain files once a month, and create
a response file called:

What happens under 'on the fly'?

> Why not sticky key facilities for the alt key such that if a particular
> combination is used it toggles them on and off.  Maybe alt-s, don't know=
> response be elicited from those entries once done.  If that's possible
> the feasible limit is 256-999 and
> our sticky key mode might automatically add that 255 to every value
> entered to help provide a little
> user protection too.  I know mskermit has some pretty unique scan codes
> that it uses and generates so this might be possible.
> On
> Thu, 27 Feb 1997, Colin W. Glenn wrote:
> > On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 dg AT dcs DOT st-and DOT ac DOT uk wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > >The Alt-Gr-Funny_key gives a char 179 under DOS, and a =A6 under win=
> > >=20
> > > High-bit set characters have a special meaning under FAT, AFAIK. They=
> > > certainly did under CP/M. I think if the first character has its top =
bit set=20
> > > that marks the file as being deleted.
> >=20
> > Errr, deleted files are marked by the character 0E5h, otherwise, (afaik=
> > no restrictions on upper bit characters, but then you have the problem =
> > how the user is supposed to achieve the weird key, especially if the
> > codepage tends to remap the chr he's trying to achieve.
> >=20
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> jude <jdashiel AT eagle1 DOT eaglenet DOT com>

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