Mail Archives: opendos/1997/02/05/21:01:30

From: mharris AT blackwidow DOT saultc DOT on DOT ca
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 20:47:00 -0500 (EST)
Reply-To: mharris AT blackwidow DOT saultc DOT on DOT ca
To: Mark Habersack <grendel AT ananke DOT amu DOT edu DOT pl>
cc: Gene Buckle <geneb AT web DOT wa DOT net>,
OpenDOS Mailing List <opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net>
Subject: RE: [opendos] First impressions, Win95+GRUB (fwd)
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Organization: Total disorganization.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net

On Tue, 4 Feb 1997, Mark Habersack wrote:

> > When OpenDOS boots, it will first look for the file DCONFIG.SYS and if that
> > doesn't exist it will go on and look for CONFIG.SYS. The D stood for DRDOS
> > CONFIG file by the way (The DRDOS team were really good at coming up with
> > names ;-)). There is a CCONFIG.SYS for Concurrent DOS too.
> Ah! Didn't know that - that's the solution I was looking for! Thanks, so far 
> I used the autocon package (from simtel in msdos/bootutl)

THANK GOD FOR THAT ONE!!!!  I'll have to try it out ASAP!!

> > Win95, MS-DOS etc. will ignore this so you can put specific info for OpenDOS
> > in here. The most useful two commands being SHELL= and SET PATH=C:\ OPENDOS.
> > Here is my DCONFIG.SYS file on my dual boot Win95/OpenDOS Dell.
> Also you can freely use the SELECT statement in that file - neat! But 
> there's a small problem with installers modifying the startup files - they 
> will do their job only on the 'standard' ones.

Before I install ANY new software, I do a backup of ALL of my
config files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, ETC\*, WIN\*.INI, etc...)
and then afterwards I use FC or some other program to compare the
old files with the new ones, then I can undo the damage caused by
installers and put things in the right place.

> > There is no DAUTOEXEC.BAT if that's what your thinking, that would be two
> > easy? To determine if OpenDOS is running post CONFIG processing, the
> > environment variable OS is set to OPENDOS and VER is set to 7. The PATH set
> > in DCONFIG is carried over so set path to include previous definition i.e.
> > PATH=%PATH%;c:\newpath;
> And you can share the autoexec.bat between M$-DOG and OpenDOS by simply 
> setting CONFIG in DCONFIG.SYS to the current configuration name, just as 
> M$-DOG does in behind the scenes. Or even do 'goto %OS%' - if there's no OS 
> set, it will do nothing and process the M$-DOG part, if OS is set - you move 
> to the OD part. Neat(2)!

Why share AUTOEXEC.BAT's when you can specify the batch file to
run as a command line parameter to OpenDOS's COMMAND.COM?  4DOS
also allows you to specify the PATH\FILENAME for an alternate
batch file to run as well.  This way you can have separate

> > By the way, in the above configuration, with full NetWare client loaded and
> > CD-ROM driver/redirector I get a full 640K TPA. With the network unloaded I
> > get 720K.
> So far, I the best result I got was 622K... ;-(

I can't get the *alleged* 640k either. *YET*.  How does one load
stuff *ABOVE* the 1M point anyway?  

Mike A. Harris        |   
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mailto:mharris AT blackwidow DOT saultc DOT on DOT ca

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