Mail Archives: geda-user/2016/01/09/12:06:17

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Date: Sat, 09 Jan 2016 17:06:02 +0000
From: "M. J. Everitt (m DOT j DOT everitt AT iee DOT org) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] Primitive electrical types [WAS: Re: first attempt
at bus support in gnetlist for pcb]
References: <CAJXU7q8edycnyhZbZ7+M3q6HA13U4Tr5R9M7KAG59HVpH2+cMg AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <6CD06E56-4FC6-4CFD-A6A8-0297CC1F995B AT noqsi DOT com> <20160109174859 DOT dd0f8a57f22b639eeed623fb AT gmail DOT com>
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Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

On 09/01/16 16:48, Nicklas Karlsson (nicklas DOT karlsson17 AT gmail DOT com) [via
geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
>>> Whether or not this is fully factored in the code or not, from the graphical entity point of view these are effectively sub-type specialisations of the line primitive, as John has suggested. Whilst it would be technically possible to take this as a more "duck typed" approach, I'd probably not suggest it.
>> What I was trying to get at is that I see line drawing style as a fundamentally orthogonal issue to line “type". What we have now is hard-wired, except for purely graphical lines. That doesn’t fit all uses. It gets us into unresolvable arguments over thick net segments for power versus thin segments for signals. Conventions are good. Defaults implementing conventions are good. Hard wiring them is bad.
>> John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
>> jpd AT noqsi DOT com
> You mean if a line should be considered: net, bus, pin, ... should depend on an assigned attribute?
> Nicklas Karlsson
As it stands, a line is a line is a line .. its either a graphical
element or a net. It has no 'knowledge' of a pcb trace/track or anything
else. I don't see this is a problem for the existing functionality ..
you know (presumably) what you're routing/laying out when you do it?
We've always had the schematic up on a second screen whilst routing any
PCBs .. is there another way!?

If you want to get into sophisticated routing, yes you're going to have
to completely re-think how you do schematic capture. I would argue this
is a major rewrite of sections of code .. something I'm not sure anyone
has time or inclination to do? Correct me if I'm wrong, of course....


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