Mail Archives: geda-user/2015/03/02/04:22:26
On Sun, 1 Mar 2015, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> * My number two wish would be scripting, both in pcb and in gschem.
> That is, a way to do everything the GUI does but in a script. geda-gaf
> and pcb both have implemented some aspects but not enough to actually
> make it useful in the sense my wish calls for. See how freeCAD uses
> python or the way eagle uses "ulp" scripts.
> In pcb the concept of "actions" goes a long way. But there is no glue
> to use them conditionally or iterate in loops. Everything that
> involves explicit mouse input is missing from the set of actions.
> In geda-gaf the situation is somewhat complimentary. There is
> algorithmic glue in the form of the ability to interpret guile
> scripts. But unless I missed something actions are missing and there
> is no way to make the script put a symbol somewhere.
I had such an attempt with pcb many years ago: pcb-gpmi. It offered like 9
languages and some glue, first for writing exporters, popping up dialogs
and a minimal amount of drawing object manipulation. It's terribly
outdated by now, but as a reference on how small it can be:
Unfortunately it didn't trigger any interest among the users back then. My
conclusion was that scirpting was a feature interesting for a few
porgrammer-kind users but not for "the masses".
I plan to revive this project in my new fork in the long run. I'll
either throw out the current action infrastructure in favor of a generic
scripting or will glue the scripting on top of actions.
> * My number eight wish would be the concept of groups both in gschem
> and in pcb.
Good idea, I miss that sometimes too (with a low prio).
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