Mail Archives: geda-user/2014/03/10/10:52:20

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Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:51:39 -0500
From: John Griessen <john AT ecosensory DOT com>
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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] identical symbol names
References: <CAG4ve9LgHNoVZoGaGgF67tadJ_n=L6Uy1g=UPPrkM0fL6Rgufw AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <20140127234944 DOT 924148045B78 AT turkos DOT aspodata DOT se> <CAG4ve9+3jhFJ1Cr6CLUyLX_y02uigJECiUCwxjUWdP=heVocqg AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <20140128201110 DOT DF7D78045B78 AT turkos DOT aspodata DOT se> <20140129072550 DOT GA24560 AT localhost DOT localdomain> <CAG4ve9+v9QxNRaPSFkmGfr6bKsv7km-Gt_gwXF7Eh4TX+AmNug AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <CAOP4iL2JBUdF93kZF-iQ9Rv+VTN3iXoT+6C4LoBi5qaMxof=sA AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <CAG4ve9+QsUf=nVXPe-f3VddGiqHn8sjZUJNkdu3QV1cOQDWiAg AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <86CABBE6-EE80-4347-B7AA-3F5A8DA4C658 AT noqsi DOT com> <CAG4ve9LX0mYk2a1zpfWJJC=OP5Weq9pt3PF7_Nqx5vX4wpR=Bg AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <1394402434 DOT 2151 DOT 28 DOT camel AT AMD64X2 DOT fritz DOT box> <20140309235005 DOT 783608020170 AT turkos DOT aspodata DOT se> <531D222C DOT 8060101 AT ecosensory DOT com> <20140310103056 DOT E1B1D8020170 AT turkos DOT aspodata DOT se>
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Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

On 03/10/2014 05:30 AM, karl AT aspodata DOT se wrote:
> That says that the "identical symbol name" problem should be solved for
> such cases, but that is no argument against Алексей's "in file library
> section" solution. Do you have any take on that ?

My style is to use references in ordinary day to day work, and
back up my whole set of libraries to get a project backup.
I have not got a perfect, low effort solution for sharing and having what is
shared be independent and complete.

The concept of a local library to be created automatically by default is a good idea.
I would create that local library as a project directory rather than in the .sch file.

What about making an external script that will convert both ways, and
document it as one way of using gschem?

By convert both ways, I mean:
1. take a directory named project-libraries and convert it to in-file
symbols, (with an attribute that is the path or URL to the original library),
and create an in-file .sch from it.
2. take an in-file .sch, and update a directory named project-libraries
to include all those symbols.

That would require adding path/URL attribute to all symbols.
That would suggest adding author, revision number  to all symbols.

John Griessen

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