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On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 08:23 +0400, Алексей Харьковский wrote: > This is added. Fine -- I may intend to use a similar renumber scheme. Generally a short copyright notice like GPL may be useful, and maybe fixing some typing errors: informathion, sumaltenuously, contaning, Attribure, corresponing, alfabetic, recplacing, ontex Do you rally have to escape the " in strings in python when the outer delimiter is a ' as in: print 'Do not use \"--gentle\" and \"--force\" sumaltenuously' And, exposing my ignorance about python, what is that ~0 in comp_list[i][0]+comp_list[i][~0] I have never seen that before in python code, and it is not really easy to ask google without a good search term.
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