Mail Archives: geda-user/2013/09/01/08:04:59
gedau AT igor2 DOT repo DOT hu wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've started a local branch/fork/whatever of PCB to add a few features
> I need daily. These features required adding new element and pin/pad
> flags. Mainstream PCB does not understand these flags, and that is
> expected. However, loading&saving the design in mainstream PCB will
> remove those flags - which is (imo) much less expected.
> The reason is not the file format, but the way PCB operates on the
> file: it tries to load and parse everything and store in a convenient
> native represetnation in memory and render the text version from that
> upon save.
> I still remember the long threads about the PCB file format vs.
> xml/json; one of the potential reasons for such a format would be that
> it might be easier to keep unknown subtrees intact. However, I am
> _not_ suggesting changing the format.
> Instead, a partial solution, a minor hack would be to upgrade the
> string<->flags converter. The flag format is a comma separated string,
> the converter could easily save any unrecognized segment as string, in
> a linked list in the flags structure. On save, the list could be
> appended to the flags string rendered the usual way. This may change
> the order of flags in a round trip but would not change the actual
> flag values.
> Rationale: some feature patches may require changes in the file
> format, but very often this is limited to new element/pin/pad flags.
> Such a feature would allow file format compatibility among
> branches/forks/flavors of PCB.
> Regards,
> Tibor Palinkas
AFAICT you can add "attributes" to pcb files for (specific) meta data
beyond of what the pcb application understands and can handle.
With a specific plug in or exporter one can handle this meta data.
BTW, I never dug very deep in how "attributes" are implemented inside
the pcb codebase.
Kind regards,
Bert Timmerman.
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