Mail Archives: geda-user/2022/06/16/00:09:46

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X-SECURESERVER-ACCT: glimrick AT epilitimus DOT com
To: geda-user ailing list <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
From: "Glenn (glimrick AT epilitimus DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: [geda-user] pcb- gcode export
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Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 20:06:15 -0800
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Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

How hard would it be to make the gcode prefix/postfix code optionally
loaded from a file?

My situation is that my super cheap pcb router doesn't support bits of
the prefix (G64 & M7) and I would like to have some custom postfix code
in each gcode file (Moves to a safe location essentially) but the prefix
and postfix code are hard coded into the binary.

So unless I am missing something my options are:
1. hand edit each gcode file (already getting old)
2. Hack the source code (hid/gcode/gcode.c) to make it what I want -
which is what I am probably going to do
3. Beg for a feature.

So consider this me begging, low priority, as I said I will probably
just fix my local copy. But I thought it worth mentioning in case
someone is feeling bored.
 I don't know gtk and don't feel motivated enough to learn it just for
this. My approach would be a check box and text box on the gcode export
dialog. If the checkbox is checked the text box is a file that contains
the pre/postfix code.

And since I am begging it would be nice if the export settings were
saved so they don't have to be reentered every time.

Okay I'm done now.

running 4.2.2

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