Mail Archives: geda-user/2018/07/11/10:22:40
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On Wed, 11 Jul 2018, Stephan Böttcher wrote:
> NB, I was wondering about corner cases. Say, a symbol has atttributes
> net=GND:7
> net=VCC:14
> In the schematic I promote one of them, and add a third
> net=V33:14
> net=nOE:1
> Is there a formal rule that ensures that the net=GND:7 in the symbol is
> accepted, but the net=VCC:14 is not? Or do I need to always promote all
> net= attibutes if I attache any to the symbol instance?
Attribute propagation for net= attributes works a bit differently than it
does for other attributes: For each pinnumber, the netname given by
attached net= attributes (including promoted ones) overrides the netname
given by inherited net= attributes. So, in your example, the "net=V33:14"
attribute overrides the "net=VCC:14" attribute, resulting in pin "14" of
the component being connected to net "V33".
You don't have to promote net= attributes which you don't intend to change.
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