Mail Archives: geda-user/2018/06/30/10:28:24
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On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Chris Green wrote:
> Is there a way to change the font size for a number of objects all at
> one time? I.e. if I select a collection of components, pins, etc, can I
> change the font size for all the existing text?
You can just select the objects and enter a number into the "Size" field
in the section "Text Properties" of the tab "Text". This will change the
text size of all objects and the attached attributes, but…
> In particular I have a lot of pins on a diagram and I want to reduce the
> size of text for the name and pin number for al of them.
this won't work as you imagine. pinname= and pinnumber= attributes are
attached to the pin objects inside the symbol, not the component object
referencing the symbol from the schematic. So, if you want to change the
size of pinname= or pinnumber= attributes, you have to create your local
copy of the symbols and change the text size there.
(You could also embed the symbols with similar effect, but this is is
poorly supported by gschem, and I'd advise against it.)
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